Buy GRT at DEC 2020

>delegate and don't look behind for nearly 1,5 y
>barely any profit

Anyone rly got this jewed?

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You're supposed to dca not plunk all your cash down at once

Nigga, I bought cheaper than most but missed entire sht bcuz they promised CUP OF COFFEE
Where can I get a coffee for 47 cents?

Tokenomics negates any upside this may have.

At least you’re in profit
Im sitting at a .6x

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The logo looks like a Q
I read this QURT

But I missed entire bullrun, I fell like.. may god forgive me.. but I feel like linker

I remember buying 200 bucks worth during the coinbase listing and it did a 4x

GRT is a rugpull.

Imagine offering a service for free that a multitrillion dollar industry absolutely depends on and can't easily or inexpensively replicate and then turning around and charging for it this year, and then distributing the revenue to stakeholders. Just imagine how much money will be siphoned from these clients to the network. Extorted out of tens, hundreds of millions of dollars per year soon.

But because the industry has no other option, they'll pay to keep using it, and because the industry is quickly growing, more people will pay to use it. What choice do they have? The GRT stakers will be making bank in the future at the expense of the entire sector, which they'll be profiting from the processed data of, indexing and selling it to whoever wants it. It'll probably siphon and redistribute billions per year a few years from now. Does this sound like an honest way to make a living? I don't think so.

How is this okay? Pure greed. Probably going to end up like Google or Facebook with their obscene market capitalization and monopoly on truth, except using "zero knowledge proofs" and "verifiability" technology developed by DARPA-funded partners in lieu of media partnerships and paid fact checkers. What's worse, it's "permissionless" meaning anyone can do what they want using the network's data, mixing sources as they please to create unspeakable horrors of insights using futuristic technologies like "composable subgraphs." It's probably going to lure real-world industry into using its services too, and then the entire world will be robbed of its hard-earned money, creating a monstrosity of a global database (A public version of the NSA's PRISM program? Hello?) in the process that no one is free from.

It's a shame that governments can't shut it down because it's decentralized and distributed across the planet and not maintained by a single company that can be sued or prosecuted.

This is not okay.

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Feeling pretty comphy. Feels great not being desperate that you fall in to fear anytime the market moves a few percent down.

Grt is more than 5x below its ath

you need to understand that when you buy into a new project - with a token that has been created from nothing and the development team hold most of those tokens - you will get dumped on because the development team want to:

1) Make it
2) Have money to buy wagies

and you are paying for that.

I've been delegating to P2P for about a year or so, maybe a little less. Not much, only about 2.5k. I was doing okay but the last couple months I've been making next to nothing. Thinking about pulling out and delegating elsewhere, but I haven't been paying attention much. Who should I delegate to that's trustworthy? The Graph site is set up a little differently now it seems, and I can't even find P2P poking around. What Subgraph are the listed under?

But seriously, if I get my tokens back from P2P, who do I switch to?

So, GRT is negative 11 dollars right now?

Lucky I plunked all my cash at 12-18c or I'd be at a massive loss on this shitcoin.


Ignore the couldn't find p2p part, found them. Still not happy with the returns. Gonna buy some more to increase my stack and pull out of p2p, just need suggestions on who to delegate to. Still learning, obv.

Could you explain what exactly is saying? Like I said, still learning. Everyone delegating to p2p is getting a big payout when the whale's tokens are removed?

The whale's tokens are undelegating for 28 days, being allocated by the indexer during that period but forfeiting proportional rewards. Everyone else gets that much more.

so to play fuds advocate here....
what are they going to do with that 120m GRT then huh? probably sell it I guess

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