What's an AVAX? Is it worth investing on it?

What's an AVAX? Is it worth investing on it?

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Don't invest what you can't afford to lose. Don't blame others if your investmen goes to 0.

Thanks for the advise

Yes, it is safe

It's the future of crypto

There are better options than avax.
Solana is one of them

revolutionary avalanche consensus
>latency scales to millions of validators
>leaderless consensus = MEV-immune
>data layer agnostic, VM flexibility, doesn't even have to be a blockchain
>every validator votes on consensus, truly distributed consensus unlike DPoS
>optimizes security over liveness. Avalanche has absolute finality with probabilistic liveness (BTC uses the reverse: probabilistic finality with absolute liveness)

subnet architecture
>infinite horizontal scaling
>infinite customization for each subnet, only commonality is the avalanche consensus layer and validator pool
>subnets can run any VM because avalanche consensus is data layer agnostic unlike Nakamoto consensus which needs blocks to function
>subnets default to permissionless, but can be designed as permissioned. Deloitte, one of the big 4, is currently partnered with Ava labs for this capability

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I don't know user, you should DYOR

It's Turkish salvation in the form of a coin, if you're a smart guy you should buy it. DYOR

Don't buy avax, you better buy eth

avax looks very promising

So, avax did a copycat to ethereum

Let the user dyor

avax is literally a shitcoin compared to MATIC

What an organic thread.

Vitalik was shitposting about this yesterday, saying consensus isn't a bottle neck, network bloat is and increasing gas fees is the only solution. Emin told him stfu just about, and that it is the bottleneck, using their "gossip" system, where only a certain amount of nodes need to confirm a transaction before it's added to the blockchain.

Imagine saying this bullshit kek

2k avax to run a validator
32 eth to run a validator

Between these two, wich one is cheaper?

Ok pajeet

Most alts are still up 20x/50×/100x/200x in one year.
I suggest you proceed with caution

theres a lot of angry turks in the telegram ask if dev is available

Altcoins can't moon onthere own, BTC is a major determinant of Altcoins and that's how it will forever be. just forget about crypto currency and invest in stocks. Shit will be gone by Q3 mark my words.