He doesn't get PAID to shitpost on Any Forums and wank to anime girls

>he doesn't get PAID to shitpost on Any Forums and wank to anime girls
"If you're good at something, never do it for free." -The Joker

Attached: batty.jpg (1600x1066, 130.79K)

>get """PAID"""
yea ok

Attached: 234213421231231223.png (607x794, 507.87K)

Since I moved to italy I've been making 0.04 BAT a month lmao

Attached: Screenshot_20220208-170558_Brave.jpg (1080x2280, 509.95K)

...I'd send you some but it cost $72 in gas fees to move it...
"The Future Of The Web"

broke nibbas bragging about making a dollar a month

What are you Indian?

I already have a suicide stack, but I appreciate it lol. It's really unfortunate how the brave wallet turned out

it really is.
the concept of Brave is great - a circular economy to help create a private web that doesnt resort to identity harvesting to operate

its such a shame they thought the way to achieve that was to require everyone to scan their passport photos and seek permission from central authorities.

in retrospect, they should've just used LN

They shouldn't have setup shop in California of all fucking places. God damn silicon valley boomer.

How much can you actually make doing this shit? I wfh a super easy job but I have to be ready and monitor emails. So I just play online poker mostly. For fake money.

i get more by staking and i don't have to rape my privacy by kyc'ing. no thanks.

Just play for real money. If you can focus for long times, have good short term memory and have a good intuition for ranges you can make a good side hustle with poker.

I'm in a first world country. I usually make around $10 per month between two devices. Less the past two months, though. Market crash probably has something to do with that.

yes, well it should've been a "company"
i'm not saying it should be a charity, but there are thousands of ways they could've set it up where defaults in browser led to founders getting skim of transactions

the boomeridea of "lets create a corporation that can be sued and try to go fight google,fb,twitter,microsoft" was the first failure.
the icing on the shitcake was then trying to be a company + mint shitcoins.

should've *never* been a company

Brendan is a fucking scammer. Fuck him.

Ive seen this post with no clarification for a while now. Did he fuck your wife?

I'm so excited for you guys

>Brave and BAT all based around privacy and data control
>KYC needed to spends rewards
I sure hope someone got fired for this blunder

They have to follow the law or get shut down and no advertisers want to use an illegal project to advertise. Retarded thinking. Continue being mad.

LN doesn't fix that idiot.