If I don't make it I'm going to rage quit life

If I don't make it I'm going to rage quit life.

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Which method are you favoring currently?

I got my .45 which likely will be sooner than later already lost it all just got a tiny amount im throwing around less than 500 before I go to the next world

Don't do it bro

I guess I'm a traditionalist, I prefer rope.


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too risky most people just break their legs or fuck their neck up high high chance of failing .45 should be a guarantee.

envision the aroma

I'm right there with you user.

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>people break their legs
If the rope snaps, you mean?
Don't worry, I have the logistics (rope thickness and material, length, knot type, thickness of tree branch) figured out. Plus it'll make a nice little surprise for any passersby.

Moneys not everything bros. You will feel some euphoria for a while then reach a baseline of shit again. Either rope now or work on your self in other ways then just trying to get rich. Talking to myself btw as well. Life has not been good to a lot of us and its basically cry about it or try to fix it somehow...

I just want a comfy six figs so I don't have to slave forever
at least not full time

user don't you think people chasing money are only chasing it because they have nothing else at all? I need money to be able to live with family without them shaming me. I can't be the poor loser everyone coaches and directs or takes pity on. Your family situation trumps your own relationship with money. If your family only cares about money and worships anyone with money even if it's Jeffrey Epstein or a gangsta rapper then they basically don't value you at all unless you are getting money or actively trying to. It's a shit show of a life for most of us user

I feel ya bro but it really wont come easy for most of us. I just got a new job in insurance sales so im hoping that works out somehow. Most of us wont get the legendary crypto pump thats 1000x or whatever. I can however gauruntee if you have the patience to dollar cost average for a couple years into all this web 3 shit this will make you rich without a doubt. This shit is catching fire and will basically replace our current financial system in some ways. This is our generations internet or apple/google. You dont wanna look back in 10 years and say you were right there but fucked it up chasing pumps. Dca every week for 5 years and i almost gauruntee you will be rich.

sometimes it just sucks for a while and then it will be fine again. some patience is needed in the markets and in life in general.
by rage quitting you basically are just shorting time and thats never a good trade unless you are in constant unbearable pain

I gotta be honest with ya user, they are pieces of shit and you should try to distance yourself from them and find a better group of friends or someone else you can have a relationship with. And dont try to be by yourself cause although it can bring comfort i have done it for years and now i'm realizing that i would be much better off trying to build good relationships and have people around me. People who worship money are chasing numbers which never ends. You get 100k you arent happy till 1 mil, you get 1 mil you arent happy till 10 etc.

I would put a live grenade in my mouth and jump off a bridge while shooting myself in the head with a gun.

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You better do it right for your sake.
If you got any money or health just don't I got rugpulled on both in many ways.

Ransheed you're a serial beggar and also YHWH this namefag deserves nothing but to kill himself.
Faggot would doxx himself with his redneck wife daily for attention and gibs

Yeah I'm just buying crypto and index funds when I can


It wont get better user that is mathematically certain. So you are correct the proper and efficient play here is to do an hero to avoid the certain future pain and suffering. Protip the .45 you mentioned is a good solution but also another trick is going out and buying 10 sleeping pills off some rando pusher on the street and down them with a bottle of vodka. Cheap easy and painless. Wish you best of luck

Bro my parents literally are boomers. They have money. They can retire but they insist on working everyday. They want to buy a mansion and are bad at me for not pulling my weight even though i haven't asked them for anything since i got married. They just can't accept me living paycheck to paycheck even though it's no fault of my own. They just look around at people with more money then they have and seethe. Ever since the govt handed out millions to business owners for free during the pandemic they have gotten even worse. I helped them get 700k in gibs for their businesses. Those businesses are going to close down because instead of paying back rent for those businesses like the gibs were meant for they instead bought property. Never turned around and said hey thanks user even though we told you it was pointless and not to bother trying and it was a govt scam, despite that you still applied for eidl ppp rrf funds and got them for us and didn't ask for any cut at all. But still we are going to shame for your station in life, shame you for not being able to move out or pay rent(even though we wouldn't take it even if you offered), shame you for "lying" to us about making money in crypto, shame you for just working a dead end job at your father's business even though we never cosigned your college loans or even helped you at all with college texts books. Yeah user we are seething mad because we aren't as rich as our relatives even though we aren't broke. But we are going to keep pretending we are broke and your father has to break his back 7 days a week just because of you. You won't take responsibility for your self and your wife and kids. That's what i deal with user

Bro you just gotta figure out a way to get the fuck outta there lol. Sounds like your parents are literally fuckin retards. They are envious pieces of shit that will never make it because of their pisspoor attitude. Even if they have money like i said they will never be happy cause they are chasing a neverending number. No amount would satiate their greed.

You can go ahead and rope while I keep slurping my supercharger rewards on freeway. Don't give a fuck.

The problem is that I see the future and it really is better to exit now than to wait for that to come to pass.

I think futures past was a better X-men personally faggot I'm terminal I'll only pop once my legs go.