Why is nobody going to work anymore?

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i physically cannot because of mandates and restrictions. its so fucking hard trying to meet people with everyone being a skittish wreck that doesnt want to do anything social and ill sooner die than wear a fucking mask to work/network and ill sooner kill before i let anyone make me take that poison.

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>going to work
because i work from home. and to think, i used to drive up to an hour and a half each way in SOUL CRUSHING traffic.

Sick of boomers. They act like i should be fucking grateful for making them rich while they throw me scraps. Muh bootstraps

Low standards. Digital propaganda/entertainment is free or very cheap. Mommas housing is free.
No aspirations, lazy, entitled, some other shit.

Fucking Faggot I’m at work right now and I wanna kms reeeeeeeeeeeeee

Imagine “working” just to get some breadcrumbs

Cuz I made after dumping d0b0 near peak

see what i mean

My aspiration is to pull the plug when your boomer ass is in the hospital

I'm in environmental consulting, I have had a pretty good 4 months stint of not doing anything. My attitude changed after being threatened with my livelihood over the vax.

The impotence of not being able to create a significant change in our environment

Because it's gay.

Simple as.

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Most companies are just layers upon layers of bullshit.
Hardly any real work gets done. It's so demotivating for me.
I'd love to just set up a small shop in Japan like Croatia user and do something meaningful.

Why don’t you go to work?

actually it's because boomers are all dropping out of the workforce. Labor participation for most people under 40 hasn't really changed by any significant amount

its simply not worth it. wages to low, expenses to high.

Who needs work when the supercharger rewards on freeway platform are paying all the bills?

It isn't worth it. I can not earn enough money by just staying at home playing video games.

Boomers made x3 the average minimum wage adjusted for inflation in my country whilst raising the price of housing x20 to x50 depending on location. They also expect me to sacrifice 3-4 years of my life and indebt myself so that they won't have to provide any training or they will just bring foreigners to do it instead.

Boomers tell me society owes me nothing, thus I owe society nothing too why should I care about the societal contact when it only applies as a punishment rather then reward. What's the point of working when they've removed the carrot from the stick and just threaten you with the stick instead.

Why work for a corporation when they will dispose of me whenever profitable, when you can work for family and friends under the table and not feed system that wants me to own nothing and rent everything.

In my case this is possible because I can live in my parents basement, and not pay rent. Sure I may be appear poorer, people may look down upon me but at least I no longer must work 60h of manual labor a week to live in a 2.5 X 2.5m square tiny room and still be poor. I feel infinitely freer, I have time to practice hobbies that can lead to much better employment then school and have fun doing it.

Also I refuse to get vaccinated because apprantly society owes me nothing, thus if everything is a competition for resources with full disregard for the Nation, Race, Country, Ideogly, Ethnicity etc, why would I want to preserve my biggest generational enemy, why would I sacrifice my own health and time for people that would be glad to exploit my labour and charge me extortionate prices for a tiny room.

Fuck this society, I refuse to be a slave and then be told how it's so much better it is because I can buy a iPhone and talk to niggers and eat kebab then have a stable homegenous society.

Either (((they))) fix this shit or more men will dropout, and this time if (((they))) start a war to remove the rejects I believe most will go AWOL.

for sure they will start a war to remove all the men that refuse to work. in sure they will drop the "racist" meme in a desperate attempt to recruit for patriotism.

I'd love to have a job. It's the actually getting hired step I've never been able to get past