Shill me a cheap shitty college with 100% admission I can go to for cs with least amount of pajeets or other undesireables.

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dyor retard

Go to your state college

wagie state

What state are you in. Choose one of the low end state universities, but make sure they have an ABET accredited program. Make the best of your time, have fun, and build your skills on your own and you will profit immensely.

Go to Brigham and Young University. One of the cheapest universities in the country, and one of the best cheap ones, because it has mormon monies.

pic related

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I am from the state of Estonia

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Howard University gives full rides for sub-Harvard admittance SAT scores. Guaranteed industry internships via woke initiatives.

you need to attend either a city or a state school, and there will certainly be tons of jeets so get used to it

Have you considered becoming a member of the church of latter day saints? For monetary reasons?

unironically khan academy even if just to start out

any college in kansas idaho etc
>pajeets arent allowed in republican states

Uhh...arts, social science or something. If you're looking at STEM, you're always gonna find a bunchload of jeets and chinks, fuckers who always score perfect marks in each test.

Just go to a coding bootcamp dumbass

Unironically Northern Michigan University, look into it for reals
> cheapest school in the state
> incredibly lax admissions
> super remote location, beautiful campus in the mountains, zero pajeets
> decent CS program

Go to your state college

Costs way more than BYU, and probably wouldn't have aid for an estonian.
He's from estonia

What is this, School & Admissions? /sad/ ??

College is an investment. It counts.

Who else here works at a uni and studies for free lmao.

utah has the highest rate of upward-mobility in the country and it's because of the church's operation as a parallel power-structure, as well as high rates of intact-families (parents who are married to each other) which stems from their value system.
but also among the highest suicide-rates in the nation so I guess you either make it or you don't

literally every NMU person I've met has been "a pajeet"
although it feels strange to refer to them as such because they were very hospitable and friendly, I feel uncomfortable talking that way about kind folks who bought me a drink.