Are there any NFTs that do anything?

Cuz I'm starting to think the right click save guys have the answer, if its just digital art

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no. it's all a speculation bubble.

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NFT's only use, is to take advantage of normalfags.

There are various games and staking

Is there a way to then put the image you saved back on the blockchain as another NFT, almost like a "reprint"?

TF2 hats with no ingame use

Yes. CryptoFucks did it.

GOHO has an nft collection, owning both gets you access to their dao. Plus the nfts earn money in their treasury.

It's basically a midwit cult.

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Urbit and ENS use NFTs as a unique identity

What all is included in the DAO?

It's just imaginary property rights.

I feel like every nft is link too done game that permanently "in dev" at this point when i see nfts taking about a game i view it as a placeholder cuz there is no real plan

Just a way to vote on how the treasury money is spent (for now). There are other options that were mentioned in their medium article (the DAO is called The Flock), but I’ve heard people in tg throw out ideas like paying for influencer promos and also fast tracking coin gecko and cmc.

It’s also kind of like being in a biker gang. You see all of these people with their GOHO nfts on twitter, which is just promoting the brand. It’s a good marketing tool.

Infinite money glitch?

Why isn’t there more information on this?

People kept getting banned in biz, so I think they stopped posting shit about it. It’s like day 70 and the price is crab walking. It’s only 200k market cap but the project is solid. Once cg happens, you probably won’t ever stop hearing about it.

The “she” in this story was born male.

The hands of creation has a puzzle adventure game

there is literally nothing that is done with NFT technology that can't be done without NFT technology, and it will always be better without it

NFTs will represent debt on chain, that debt will be bundled into pools, those pools will issue fungible tokens and w'allah we'll create a debt market that is vastly superior to the one that exists today. No idea how to invest in that right now but be on a lookout

>we'll create a debt market
isn't that what doge coin is?

Check Moonsama. It is a metaverse project and it is currently active in Minecraft (FPS and RPG games are coming).
You can gather resources from minecraft and they transfer to MOVR blockchain and then you can use those resources to craft skins for example. Amazing and fun project.
Top players are earning +1000$ every sunday just by playing minecraft.
It is difficult to get in though. There is zero marketing because Donnie wants to focus on building. Thats why there is very little info about what you can do in MC and how to join. DYOR before marketing starts.

You just shitposted a bunch of buzzwords that mean nothing. NFT's are worthless, and so are cryptos. It's all a bubble.