Can the fudders rest now ?

Can the fudders rest now ?
Any nigga against this is just a fucking sadist that doesn't like women succeeding.

Attached: 8888.jpg (1242x1184, 180.8K)

Nothing to see here. just some silly chat

k OP. I hate women

shitty dev planning to build a shitty duck game for investors. dumbest move ever

At last some bullish news ahead of next mint.

Those are Crypto girlfriend's word's?

seems as though dev is finally working

>Anime picture.
That's 100% a tranny.

could be photoshopped

They should wait till my CGF gives me exclusive rights and access come end of Q1. 3 games at a go isso wild. No wonder dev constantly mentions working to land gaming partnership. There's no doubt my CGF can easily reach a 15BNB floor price say a month from now. Anticipating a massive flip. I should probably meant tomorrow.

Not investing cause of the use case other Nft projects offers the same, when Cz hype? when binance listing.


Same with your MUM? what a waste of sperm.

It's the same old story. Holders are definitely in a dark pit crying at how miserable the project has become. kekek

can't wait till i can stake my CGF and get some rewards for it. that would be like my tokenomics for hodling my nft.

Seriously a duck game is how creative she can be? niggress don't deserve a chance in this space taking everything for jokes.

should i ape into this project? Can't decide for myself. biz decide

Working means the opposite on biz.

based user. Even teenagers don't play duck games. Investors must all be toddlers. Wait, what does that make OP?

can't stop dreamin' bou cummin' on her face, must feel really good.

they look ugly sorry

One wrong biz investor spotted. So sorry for taking biz shill seriously.

what are you saying OP

I can't ever understand why you lot don't like nfts or is it the dev? Nfts can literally make you a fortune for doing almost nothing. There's no chart time to monitor market movement which saves you from HBP. All you need is a positive community to succeed. Talk to you after I flip my CGF.

why do I have a feeling that OP is the dev? must have been so frustrated to be a part of biz kek

How do you know that's CGF cause i don't see any topic relating to her here

Too late cunt, that's Cz's duty now

your comment makes no difference still, make sure you don't take any offers to shill, you're pathetic.


where's market place?