Letting people short and long nft collections is going to put matrix on the map

Letting people short and long nft collections is going to put matrix on the map

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on which map?

the fact that you're saying people are even gonna be interested in nft collections is funny

short and long collections? I'm a bit lost here, what's short and what's long ?

i like the concept of AIs but i still don't fully understand, how do they help with it?

Matrix is already on the map because they have a cool image

I didn't know they were nft related. Good to know. In my defense I dont know much about them

people are already interested in nft collections

dont care honestly as long as they keep making the reactor i need for my ironman cosplay

it's worth it instead of paying a commission from some jewish artist

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didn't know matrix was underground kek

cool picture? dude I didn't even know of his existence 3 days ago, but it works fine for nfs, i admit that

when did they say they were doing that?

They have a basement where they enslave robots and make them work for them, it wasn't too hard to think user

That's cus you're a fucking bitch who knows nothing but mom's meal times

the guys don't even get out of stage 3 and it's been more than 4 months, ngmi

Leverage trading is what is going to make matrix interesting. I mean people love leverage.

I don't care the shorting nft collections thing, someone care to explain this poor person?

>short every single nft
>billions in profit

When you short, you borrow an asset, sell it, and hope to buy it back when the price goes down.

what the fuck are you talking about you fucking manchild? we are talking about coins, not cosplays of 3 dollars

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25x isn't a big deal when there are literally other platforms offering 100x. I mean why settle for less?

Any Forums: we know what the future of finance will look like
also biz: what is short and long?

bahahaahah he's into fucking cosplay man

it's matrix labs now. So going underground for a bunch of experiments on the jews kinda makes sense.

you know playing around with their organs, hitler things

>that's shady business

ok i'm gonna choose to Fucking believe you BUT, if anything goes wrong i swear i will cut your precious fingers off and feed it to the cows

nah not really, the higher the leverage the higher the profits. Plus anything with nfts means even more monies. So it's a win win

h-hell dad is t-that you???

>feed it to the cows
are you sure cows eat meat?

They don't even organize well with the fucking names lmaooo

why don't you just let people take swords and fight in the battlegroud while you're at it OP? Why so keen on ruining people's lives?

i'm going to give you a zap to see if ironman can really fly with a dent in his anus

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I just want to learn about coins, the information offered by the pages is so unclear that i don't understand anything, i have to resign myself to coming to Any Forums to understand why they are all retarded who start crying when you mention the word "Crypto"

The technology advancement makes it easier imo. It's kinda safer since it reduces the permanent losses issue with liquidity pools

at least I have something to aspire to instead of working at a fucking macdonalds and then spending 13 hours on fucking Any Forums

ohhh okay thanks

there are people like me that come here for information, stop being a bitchface