I am unironically worth 4 figures. I have 3 figures in liquid cash. How do I not neck myself from people like this...

I am unironically worth 4 figures. I have 3 figures in liquid cash. How do I not neck myself from people like this? If I had a small fraction of their wealth it would change my whole life. The last 2 years I've been trading crypto but I always take profits so while I started with little and made thousands it's already all gone. But I didn't waste it on anything. I spent it on gas, groceries, etc. I don't live wastefully.
> if you don't spend then why are you poor
Because I have a small income that is mostly taken by my expenses. Fuck life

Attached: 1644216883968.png (1080x905, 211.46K)

also: this guy turned 21 last year

just starve to death while compounding ur gains. retard
t. $250 to $100k

people just post lies on the internet?

he's not lying unless someone is sending him pnl screenshots

It makes me even more demoralized that I'm the same age. And then they have the audacity to complain about being bored and having nothing to do with their life.

someone with the handle "HentaiAvenger66" is doing better than I am and that's just because he invested in some meme coins for no reason and is the same age as me
why does it have to be this way?
is the universe laughing at me right now?
All I had to do was buy shib and I wouldn't be here right now

I wish I could have this life bros
I just wish I could have it
I don't get it
Fuck fundamentals

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-07 at 2.04.11 AM.png (1208x320, 179.21K)

Imagine being this retarded

99% of people dont know what inspect element is

Quit twitter you massive retard and breath. You made profits while others have lost it all. You are doing okayish. You suffer from a massive survivor bias, that's ridiculous. There are so very few peoples like this, stop acting like it's the new norm or some shit. What do you gain in this mess ?


Make some NFTs then retard. Use a fucking generator, make 10k of them or whatever, advertise it, and set a 5% fee on transfers. That's how all these 14 year olds make millions off them.

If it was that easy everyone would do it. Also implying minting nfts are free. 90% of nfts get no exposure let alone money without a social media presence instigating it

Or make a shitcoin and scam people out of a million or two.

you cant trust everything some rando says on crypto twitter.
this same faggot claimed to have lost generational wealth to the point of being nearly wiped out during the recent correction. Now he is claiming 9 figs. If he is not lying, then kudos to his balls for being such a leverage fag.

is that what you do user?

Multi-billionaire investor Zhu Su steps in to comment.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-07 021447.jpg (766x831, 106.76K)

this guy is related to zhu? well now you know how hes making money... insider info

This OP. He just had a shitload of generational wealth on play money just lying around. He already made it before he started. Turns out the game was rigged from the start against (You)

>The last 2 years I've been trading crypto
guessing you didn't do it 24/7 which is what it took to make it as someone with low capital

next bullrun throw your friends, family, and hobbies away, live on welfare if you have to, buy capital-appropriate coins (ie bsc casino coins if you're sub 6 figs) and then you'll make it

He's not literally saying "my nephew". He's saying the opposite: he's using it as an expression to convey that you don't need to come from a position of privilege.
I've been following this dude for a while, apparently he's been trading since he was like 14 and started with selling stuff in a video game because he had no money. As for whether he's larping, it's certainly possible, but I think it's also credible that he's not given the accuracy of his calls for the last year

With this post alone I am 500% sure he's lying. I used to do lots of affiliate marketing in the online gambling business and it's post like these that are important.
>"Wow he's like me and he made that much money with 0 effort"

>*gambling degen like me

these guys are trust fund babies
no one made 9 figs in cryptos starting from nothing

also most crypto twitters are liars, one famous account said that during the event in dubai everyone was living the table at the moment of the bill

there is not 9 figures of liquidity for whatever dogshit coin he gambled on