HEX General

I held through the Bitcoin high, and then I sold at the low, Im a terrible trader, so I locked all my money into HEX for 5 years, Im now forced to make 38% interest every year, plus price appreciation, my weak hands literally cant sell

Attached: hex-transparent.png (1411x1239, 185.79K)

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This isn't your personal blog, buddy.

>locked for 5 years
Yes user this is totally a viable investment instrument built on sound fundamentals there’s no way your involved in a Ponzi scam with several other investors who locked up their investment for multiple years and all participants definitely won’t get rugged to death. Congrats on this user, I’m seriously happy for you.

you're fucking retarded

what does hex do

Well uhhh you see...
You stake the HEX... and then you get more!
You ready to buy?

It guarantees interest based on the ERC20 contract. It's the first crypto to be an actual financial tool. People hate it because it's slowly eating up the whole crypto market even though it's ironically gate-kept. Eventually it's going to takeover because everyone wants to make money on their money without a middleman.

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>make 38% interest every year
nice try posting misleading numbers
average stake lenght is 6.5 years
stake ubder that your apy is 12% for 1 year
5 years might get you 32% apy, its a big difference

HEX monetizes the only thing that matters, buying and not selling


pulse is not going to do as well as this is it bros

day 1 hex price = 50sats
day 792 hex price = 500sats

nice 10x there bro, you're 10,000x is a bullshit number cherry picked by Richy after a -95% drop.

so i am never going to make it is what you are telling me lol

is your hex stack is not worth over 1 million usd today?

great coin if you got in at the right time and kept liquid. stress nightmare if you're long term staked

>locking yourself into a hype token that will be the future just because it will be bro
another sect of permanent bagholders, well done

No need to lock yourself out of these gains

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Hey richard

>my weak hands literally cant sell

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aaah look another vapernigger thread where he samefag with 14 different ID

up and to the right

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 09.35.05.png (1013x848, 70.1K)

Ah yes another day neeting it up off of hex

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