Young people could afford to get on the property ladder if they gave up luxuries such as their gym membership and...

>Young people could afford to get on the property ladder if they gave up luxuries such as their gym membership and foreign holidays
Can I get a based?

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>gave up luxuries such as their gym membership
women are gains goblins

Young people could afford property if we gave up boomers oxygen


Fuck that god damn bitch

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I hate millennials so fucking much. The government gave us the perfect excuse to wipe out the boomer plague; Covid. If they didn't give a fuck like every other zoomer and gen x'er, the government wouldn't have been able to enforce the lockdowns, thus the boomer would be wiped out. Now these geriatric fucks will live another 10 years.

Fuck millenals, they reap what they sow.

>stop goign to the gym
>work overtime
>health goes to shit
>wife fucks another guy because your not like you used to be
>takes kids house
>lmortgages it and loses it


Fucking pick one.

>could own decent property, take foreign vacations, and support a family on a single income from a job that any moron could get
>young people today
>mostly can't afford foreign holidays, and if they can they probably don't have enough vacation time to do so
>definitely can't afford to own property
>the high paying jobs are in high cost areas
>boomers to young people
>well, if they would just give up their fancy gym memberships, live in a poor area but somehow keep their high paying jobs, and not take any vacations they could afford to buy a shitty house and eventually upgrade to a nicer house

Any mental backflips necessary to avoid admitting that the young have it rougher than they did huh?

Who the fuck under 40 is going on foreign holidays?

it is retard. Run, Buy a cycle instead of peleton and status signalling

But why would i want to own a home? It seems like a hassle. Investments grow more

Keep pretending Zoomers aren't even more pozzed than millennials.

They aren't

>t. 27

They fucking are lol

What do I have to earn to do this?
I’m on disability and am paid $1985 a month
I don’t go to a gym and the few times I make avocado toast is when they re on sale and I make it myself.

Accurate. It’s concerning the amount of money that goes towards keeping oldies alive and retards off the street. The sad part when you work with them is realising their lives are lonely, full of pure pain and suffering, and 95% of them do literally nothing besides watch TV all day, attend 1-5 medical appointments a week (for free), and go shopping on pension day. And all the support doesn’t engender gratitude from our tax money helping them, it just engenders a sense of entitlement.
I think back to when the “respect your elders because they have wisdom” meme applied. I think it’s been irrelevant since the onset of broadcast television desu.

40% of zoomers are LGBT

i don't spend money on luxuries and i am still poor
i wager the hebrews besought this

My grandma owns a rental in the ghetto of CA and can sell it for 500k
I will never move into the ghetto for 500k


Yes... they are, you braindead fucking cretin kek
I have to speak at universities sometimes, and zoomers are even more pozzed/retarded than Millennials. Just a godawful bunch of dopamine-fried screentime addicts.