“Don’t flush the toilet, I will flush it for you”

So I work as a retail cashier and yesterday I paged my manager requesting a restroom break. One of my coworkers came to cover for me while I went. I don’t mean to be graphic but I had to go number 2 and was feeling really constipated, so it was one of those poops where was in there for a while pushing what ended up being a fairly small product. But while I was pooping my manager knocked on the door and she told me “don’t flush the toilet, I will flush it for you”. I was confused but I figured there was an issue with the toilet or something that I wasn’t told about.

So I finished my business and my manager went in after me and flushed it. She later came up to me and told me that in the future I need to exit the bathroom as soon as I’m done using the toilet. That’s when I realized she literally went into the bathroom to look at my shit to see if I was really pooping. And since i only produced one little turd I guess she assumed I was just hanging out in there.

This made me feel really embarrassed and violated. Is this even allowed?

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (780x438, 35.42K)

You signed the contract wagie

Dude what?

If this is true, which I doubt, sue her

i would say this shit cant happen and quit immediately unlese you are on the brink of starvation and cant find a new job

maybe she took a photo of it for her to keep and look at when she is feeling depressed and it will remind her that you took 30 mins to take a very small crap and that things are not that bad

Lol just say no, and find another job if they do shit about it. That’s 100% not a position worth staying in.

Sue for sexual harassment unironically

>Is this even allowed?
why wouldn't it be? corporations have more human rights than you.

Eat some Raisin Bran and fiber up user. Surprise her next time, by telling her you’re embarrassed as you had been getting tested for a colon issue

This. It's very common for this situation to occur

My manager did this for two weeks, and come Christmas time I find out she'd been collecting them and coating them in resin. There must have been 5 hung on the tree and everyone made a huge deal of it, it was terrible.

That is 100% illegal, a coworker above you or below you can't tell you they need to come into the restroom while you're in it, and you have to say no next time.

no case
it's legal to look at another's poop.
just look up
Wagey Mcpoopy VS the state of Texasforniakota.
precedent, bro, precedent.

sue for sexual harassment
easy money

Pretty sure you can sue for sexual harassment

there's nothing sexual about that

I'll be sure to say that next time I tell a female coworker not to flush the toilet so I can have a good look at her fresh turds

kek do burgers really?

It is not legal for management to demand entry into the restroom you are using

nice pasta, have seen it before


She took a big whiff and got wet. Basically free OF + Smellyvision 16K HD Metaverse shit. She be living in the future.