Uhhhhhhh nft bros?

Uhhhhhhh nft bros?

Attached: Screenshot_20220205-225058~2.png (1440x1997, 434.31K)

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icp solves this

she’s not wrong

The tranny furryfag is right though. Credit where credit is due. I just want to see the market crash to zero so every normie ropes.

I literally own nfts that are entirely on-chain. Seethe

no u dont

>he doesn't know

Some NFTs are stored on chain, actually. Picture related

Attached: OnChain-Monkey-NFT.png (600x350, 19.97K)

Go check monolobe

>Dont have the proper infrastructure tech for NFTs
>Do it anyway
Who thought it would be okay to go ahead with this?

invalid coomer post solves this

Attached: twitter thread.webm (696x522, 1.72M)

100% on-chain NFTs have been around for years, these people are so retarded

They have a point when they say a lot of NFTs aren't on-chain and buyers have no clue, though. Most newfag think all NFTs are on chain

some have hashes on IPFS which is good enough
also not all NFTs are images and that's something this person just straight up isn't accounting for

newfag alert
>what is ifps
>what is freezing metadata

cryptopunks are stored on chain

Attached: 1643924517823.png (1760x1226, 593.79K)

Damn its almost like NFT business is a competition of making the ugliest computer generated art

Attached: 82728055_p0.png (691x1100, 694.12K)

you are all retarded, fuck you normies


Imagine not understanding what ipfs is in 2021. Furthermore fully on chain generative art has been around since mooncats. Poor dumb dummy dumb sarah.

Attached: unknown-1.png (555x551, 832.35K)