Radio Shack's crypto launches in 10 minutes

Radio Shack's crypto launches in 10 minutes

apparently it's a Polygon token. People in the Discord are already commenting that it looks like a scam. Thoughts?

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Someone bought the company and just trying to run a quick PnD with it. It’s most definitely a scam. Pretty sad actually.

what a shitshow
The entire website is buzzwords that barely make sense but may seem exciting to someone new in the space

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Yeah I know, I just think it's kind of funny. There's this amusing irony in the fact that they are trying to sell this token on sheer brand recognition by using a brand name they probably bought for $100.

this, I remember going to radioshack with my dad as a kid and it pretty much spurred my future in computer engineering. The stores were already dying and when I went back later out of curiosity some literal inbred rednecks were using it as a truck radio center and selling off the old inventory at a 500% markup. I ended up needing a part for a christmas present in like a day and had to buy a 555 IC for 6 fucking dollars from some toothless cocksucker that inevitably spent the money on child support or heroin. Very sad moment

lol, apparently it will be for sale on their website, and it looks like it won't be listed on exchanges, "and that's a good thing!"

I am just watching now to see how many gullible retards are separated from their money

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Buy 1 token as a keepsake

LMFAO what the actual fuck is this hahahahahaha

Textbook example of a post capitalistic dystopian future

Holy fuck it's POOOOOOMPING

based ryan

Eh, maybe, I collect a bunch of scams and weird shit in this space. I have an ETC from before the DAO hack, a share of the first BTC ETF (on ipo so I knew I'd get fucked), a small amount of "dirty" bitcoin from an .onion exchange. It doesn;t seem like an actual token though hence its lack of listing. It's probably just some scammer's literal ETH wallet lmao

it is a scam, it's from the youtube e-celeb who's proud of renting books in his garage or some shit


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i just remember he just bought radioshack.

>when metamask confirms that your ETH was sent to my wallet, I'll email you confirmation that you own a radiocoin
oh no no no no

whoops, got kicked from the Discord

this shit will dump hard, memetoken craze is over

Dude no, it's literally designed for the price to go up. They're going to increase the price themselves over time.

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NFTs of emails of coin ownership when?

What a disgusting scam

LOL. I can't believe the TOP project in this WORLD! So-called iBNB Finance.

>smart contract that uses the state of the art in de-fi technology to sustain and support smart investments, staking and more for better and better dividends to iBNB investors