You know remember anons on this board getting excited about this and thinking they were gonna become rich

You know remember anons on this board getting excited about this and thinking they were gonna become rich

Attached: E1Nt6VrUUAA03US.jpg (1500x1500, 94.48K)

It was the same spammer. He literally uploaded the exact same image file over and over again.

What went wrong?

What made you realize this was gonna be a scam?

For me it was when the tranny developer admitted that Charles was their main backer

Unironically being associated to Cardano. Had a great name, logo, and ui but Cardano is what literally killed it.

They are getting sued now. How long till Charles is imprisoned for fraud?

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scrotum ice cream?

i guarantee that they knew it would never work months before release but they wanted to get paid for their time. think of it like collecting a bug bounty

Absolutely this without question, there’s no way they started building on shitdano and didn’t immediately realize that it would not work. Thanks for playing retards

They Sundae developers definitely knew of the issues of the Cardano network even before getting aboard. Cardano is a technological joke and it's solely running on hype and marketing like any other glorified shitcoin. People can argue and say that's enough to invest in but then you see it's 37 billion market cap and thinj otherwise

The people who bought during the first 10 minutes after launch became rich though, in a few days when the transaction is completed they will be very happy.

How much did you lose user?

It's bad when CMC doesn't even track it's price

I don't know, my transaction is still processing.

I can't believe Charles got away with it.

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How is Charles Hoskinson, CEO of IOHK and Ethereum co-founder so thin and athletic with a full head of hair despite eating like an american pig

he's a living meme of course he did


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you know how contrived this whole market is when a dex launches on a vaporware blockchain that takes 1 month to do a transaction

literally a gold rush, get in before we run out of fools situation

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>getting feetmogged by a girl (male)

wtf does this mean

let me guess, you can't rotate shapes in your mind?

The sundae/ada pool is basically clogged beyond any usability.
All in all quite a trainwreck

the first ones made like 8-9x though before it clogged up