BSC casino

With the market rallying I feel like bsc shitcoins have a bright future ahead
I need a small x3000 to make it
Shill me your small mcaps and presales

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Krab365 presale coming this sunday

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tg:krab365 user. nice flendies in btc

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All newfags take note, everything listed in here you should avoid buying at all costs.

This. The only serious bsc play is d0bo, the rest are rugpulls, maybe hpos10inu is okay too.

Why is that? Havent you seen the amount "successful" shitcoins?

He's a retard. Imagine telling people to avoid mcc

Way undervalued.

those two and unvaxx'd sperm if you understand the power of memes which is all bsc shitcoins operate off of

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I'm throwing some $100 into Metastrike tonight. Chinkoid counter strike ripoff with NFT items. Kucoin threw some cash into them so I assume it's probably legit.

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Me enjoying myself after a hard day of doing nothing and collecting reflects from Krab365

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I'm all in on d0b0

has it even lunched

Nope, presale starts sunday 8pm gmt. Info on tg, website coming very soon

except krab365. that one is intriguing

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BSC = House of rug
The only future i see is Gamestar+


He doesnt want to be a krabchad...

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2049inu fren

were going to replace Any Forums with 2049chan in web3.