Quick QRD for the fags that can’t comprehend Jew Street.
>be banking cabal
>get word that the government is locking down businesses in 2020 6 months before anyone else knows
>short AMC theatres because you know they will go broke if they are forced to close their doors
>short it infinity times and wait for payday
>people have been watching GME and understand what the banking cabal is doing
>OUTTA NOWHERE ordinary people start buying the ever loving shit out of AMC Stock
>6 months after you’ve shorted AMC to oblivion it is now the most popular stock in THE WORLD.
>Banking cabal just laughs and creates naked shorts (fake shorts generated out of thin air that nobody checks because (((they))) own the clearing department too) to drive the price down.
>AMC Baggies don’t care, they hold cuz fuck those kikes
>naked shorts on AMC are estimated to have reached well over $10 BILLION (enough to destroy citadel hedge fund 50 times over).
>SEC announces they are “watching” AMC short sellers
>citadel could give a rat fuck about the SEC, because they own it too.
>everything is coming to a head and failure to deliver (FTDs) are popping up all along Wall Street.
>whose responsible?
>let’s check the receipts
>picrel happens
You will never win against these people if you play by their rules. They don’t play by them, why do you?

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based user autists going to burn wall st down. i wanna see this. *grabs my popcorn*

If one goes they are both going. I don’t understand the feud. We have the same objectives. If anything GME is the lesser of the 2 after the majority retail sold during the last squeeze. AMC legitimately owns over 100% of retail.

bump for potential habbening

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Corporations have backups, don't be delusional.


>Corporations have backups, don't be delusional.
i get a very tingly Mr. Robot feeling right now

Does this have any relation to this?

Bump because this shit's hilarious.

Where's the meltdown crew?

>corporations have backups
>until they don’t
>Hillary Clinton’s emails had backups
>until they didn’t
>electronic software for 2020 election had backups
>until they didn’t
you’re the one that’s fucking delusional

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What part of that post did you have a problem with? That’s literally backed up by documented evidence

Very Interesting, I had a Team call TDA a few weeks ago about a certain claus in their Agreements. It had 100% no legal standing behind it, and the person they were interacting with had absolutely no Idea. I told them that it wasn't allowed and they said they can do whatever they want.

WE stripped all the data weeks before, so I'm not sure why they're burning it, there must be important physical media there. I'm assuming they have old, physical copies of something there.

They could have just payed out.

>they could have just payed out
Monies are drying up

their backups are just lies and favors

Exactly user, that's why i left the (((digital casino))) and went all in physical silver.
Can they still manipulate the living shit out of it? Sure, and they do.

But that's at my advantage, allowing me to perma-slurp a ridiculously cheap valuation.
And contrary to digital scams, once i have physical ownership, they have to play by MY rules if they wanna get it back. They can't shutdown my house, they can't sell my silver without my consent, they can't lock me out of buying/selling, they can't spawn real silver out of the aether. All they can do is kvetch and create more fake ass paper silver, creating an always increasing gap between paper and physical silver.

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What part of buying a massively diluted dying theater company with billions in debt seems like a good idea to you? Buy GameStop you fucking retard

DEFCON 5 is the most calm situation. DEFCON 1 is global nuclear war.

>economy up in flames
kek, put me in the screencap

the colonial pipeline ransomware attack in 2021 literally happened because they didn't have backups.

>You will never win against these people if you play by their rules. They don’t play by them, why do you?
Why bitch at us? Bitch at city/state/corporate pension funds and idiots with 401ks. That's who the sharks are profiting on.

The FBI false flag to prop up the price of oil while pushing for more crypto regulations you mean?