Where where were you when truckers saved the crypto markets with freedom?

Where where were you when truckers saved the crypto markets with freedom?

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>Leaf truckers
what's the status on this activity

I shall explain using memes

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Libs are absolutely seething

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Arresting them would only solve half the problem, you still have all the trucks that most people don't know how to drive. Tow companies are telling the RCMP to fuck off, city cops are on the truckers side and saying "not my fucking problem if they aren't hurting anyone", the military is also heavily divided and just recently fired all unvaccinated service members. Those guys are pissed, and very well trained. It's an absolute shitshow and most of the arms of force the government has are turning against them

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This trying to be painted as a racist movement despite being the only thing that has ever united truck drivers (well really almost all blue collar workers in the country), natives, muslims/siqhs and most recently feminist groups because of the body autonomy issues. Hating things that stifle their freedom is literally the only thing these groups agree on

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The media boogy man has been in overdrive. It is not working though, as for the first time in two years Canadians want restrictions reduced

No it's not, facebook and youtube removed the ability to search for live streams of the convoys and protests around the country, but random truckers with cellphones are still getting more viewers on their streams than global news broadcasts/streams lol. The narrative is crumbling as we speak, and various members of our government have been scrambling and backstabbing/turncoating to get on the right side of history before it's too late. It's glorious

It’s also lead by a gay jewish ex-diamond cutter, if you recall the cucker carleson interview. The perfect golem! I think i recall hearing that 40% of truckers in canada are pajeets.

Sikhs* get it right bigot

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This is biziness and finance, not a trucking subreddit.

I live in a pretty yuppie liberal area. People would be scared to speak against restrictions but I see more and more people getting vocal about this stupid shit

My bad it’s over 60%. Punjabi (or anything but white, really) power.

I don't give a fuck what they are, the protests are working and provinces have been scrapping their vaccine mandate/passport plans almost daily

I was in Ottawa last weekend and the energy was palpable. Trudeau is digging his own grave by not seeking out a political solution. The longer he waits the worse it gets for his position in government. He is completely inept and running scared now. Lib zoomers on my social media think its pointless and a white supremacist movement.

The narrative at this point from the media seems to me:
>Okay its been a week. Can you go home now??? Think of the business owners here in town

Chilling in the province that started it all. Go you magnificent bastards go!

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Ya it's not going anywhere. The border has been reduced to one lane in my province and they're setting up a convoy at my city's legislature building today. Every single person when asked how long they're staying gives an answer similar to
>When it's over
These guys aren't going anywhere, and every possible solution by force eventually requires the assistance of more truck drivers lol

you might not care, but they care that you're a white supreemist. get with the times boomer. Equity is coming


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>Think of the business owners here in town
I have zero pity for onterrible or Queerbec. Im praying the truckers set up in Montreal and Toronto next and send a clear message to those liberal pansies.
>These guys aren't going anywhere, and every possible solution by force eventually requires the assistance of more truck drivers lol
Lol and towing companies are declining service to the rcmp. This is fantastic soon enough more people are gonna get involved to end this fuckery finally.

What happened to the gofund me? It reached 10 million and then got taken down. Is there another one being started up somewhere? I already gave 100 bucks but I will keep giving since it's hard for me to make it to ottawa.