ITT: Untapped markets crypto refuses to touch

ITT: Untapped markets crypto refuses to touch.
>truck drivers
I don’t get it. What are developers afraid of? Drawing a few cute waifus and some cute anthropomorphic animals shouldn’t be that bad. NFTs of all that should be easy enough to produce, no?

Attached: 61HFA8x1LHL._AC_UL1500_.jpg (1395x1500, 124.22K)

Furries are not an untapped market. If anything, it's oversaturated as fuck.

>all the popular NFTs are animals
>all the popular shitcoins have animal logo
Real original idea bro

I meant in crypto not in general.

The moment we embrace those we make a deal with the devil

Yeah but are those really "furries"? People wont be making fursuits of the fucking bored ape yacht club. They are more like cartoon shit, not anime weaboo shit

Putrid looking lions and monkeys are not furry per se. Op is probably referring to THIS kind of thing.

Attached: maxresdefault (19).jpg (1280x720, 148.76K)

>truck drivers
the most opressed niche of society indeed

Attached: fff.jpg (1300x740, 192.17K)

gays and trannies. unironically. though that makes sense i guess, since they oppose blockchain strongly. gotta keep up that twitter persona for good brownie points.

Yeah, the lola bunny shit

And yet, nothing of value was lost.

Attached: IMG_9394.jpg (828x1000, 299.01K)

We need to squish the money where we can find it. Be it furrys or trannys

Reality is glitching

What did s(he) mean by this......

Weebs (moneropedos need no apply)
There's coins with waifu mascots and all that jazz but not many 100% blockchain anime culture-centered shit. Most suck, I think the only ones that are worth a damn are Nutaku (when they release collections) and Hinata Foundation, last one being a newcomer and still doing way more than the others have already.

Not a terribly big market by any means.

Attached: 0_rhY0rVU95mXNpCie.png (1001x635, 297.66K)

not casual retards but like the speedrunner MOBA autismo 8 hours of gaming a day crowd. The ones that buy a thousand loot boxes a month just to find that ultra rare based piece of armor for their waifu main or something.

Monero is the future, saying its satanic shit literally proves you're brainwashed by the elites

>they got a discord
i can only imagine the things that are going on in there right now.

i can imagine the #memes channel.

remove the gay watermark and we golden.

Attached: Screenshot_20220202-225521__01.jpg (1080x1706, 363.45K)

Ok pedo

>Obligatory unfunny naruto joke

>new founders
>one of them is called jerry
are you insane?

Sexy and cute, bullish

When i was a kid, i was so motherfucking sexually attracted to Lola Bunny that i masturbated for 10 years straight with Lola Bunny porn, i can't masturbate with anything but Lola Bunny porn, i always ask my girlfriend to dress and act like Lola Bunny when we have sex (she likes it tho dw), i cannot live with Lola Bunny, i need more Lola Bunny in my life

Attached: caa.jpg (2500x2500, 468.11K)

i guess im happy that you found your own lola bunny

That's actually a really good piece of art for an NFT, how much do they charge for a card?

Even if this is bait, i imagine that some people are like this and get GFs, this gives me hope

You're now one with Lola Bunny

Are they going to keep the quality like that? In HINATA, i mean


Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-03 143324.png (663x662, 760.14K)

the ones yuo are probs talking about are not furry.


That looks like Ninjala

somebody post that one isabella copypasta.

Nope, even the NFTs are copy-pasted designs

Based as fuck

Big ttitied furry girls unapologetically made for cooming wen? THAT would be a collection

I can't believe you embraced Lola Bunny

>look at shit like this
>day ruined instantly
i cant keep letting them live inside my head rent free like this anymore frens


>midoriya fused with kaneki ken

For me it's projects like hinata that actually supports their artists

Why not?

Looks like a picrew avatar generator.