Sergey needs to release staking yesterday

And he knows it. He has been teasing staking for a long time. The only way this stops bleeding is to allow people an "official" yield on their stack. His nod to us complaining about "just release staking bro" in the NYE video is proof enough that he hears us.

Fucking release staking, get the ecosystem started. Security audits are done. FUCKING RELEASE IT

Attached: STK.jpg (1000x1000, 141.19K)

Just lmao if you actually believe he intended to release staking this year. That was a “buy more time” video

The Top 3 Possible Chainlink-Staking Outcomes:

>staking finally arrives
>unstaking requires Level 70 VAXXPASS™

>mandatory staking
>lock-in period: 3 years
>may never unstake

>no staking ever comes
>the Great Reset is dead on arrival and Chainlink goes to zero

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Deep down I know he didn't. He makes too many presentations/videos without actually getting shit done

Staking will be put back in the lab now that they hired all these “gurus” to work on the economic portion of the white paper. Expect him to say later in the year that staking is delayed to 2023

Worst CEO in crypto

Yeah, I want steak so I can just but the fucking link to work. This bag is the heaviest thing I've ever lifted. My dead lift max'd at 365.
>inb4 do you even lift
Fuck you, I'm not gunning for back/knee problems. Cept for several disks I slipped holding link

>so I can just but the fucking link to work

What, user?

He wants a return from holding link, instead of holding link and getting nothing from it. Many plan to never sell the link they bought. They also avoid scam fake "staking" that is nothing like staking seen with custodial lending services. This only leaves staking that is actually staking if we are to have any hope of making it.

Yeah, I withdrew my stacks from Gemini, Celsius and BlockFi. They neutered the rates for all 3 down to less than 1% and the risk is too high

Calm down Charles

Staking is a scam

t. 405 chad

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He has money to last decades, i don't think he *has* to release anything earlier than he wants to please you.

Attached: fresh.gif (640x480, 1022.49K)

That faggot has money to last decades because of the early investors, (us), that bankrolled him. If not, give me my ICO ETH stack back


>every post in the thread so far is fud
Bullish af. We're definitely close.

Staking will be enabled on the node client when the circulating supply is >50%, simple as.

i have sent the last 2 years accumulating link at

10-44 dollars

have invesedt about 8,000.. ALL of my disposable income...

i only have 400 link....

i should have just bought eth or even doge and shiba or cro and i would have had 6 figures right now...

it looks like ill have the chance to get 1,000 linkies for my son...

i only think about my son, he will get these linkies...

im not mad about the price. im mad i dont have 1,000 links yet

are there really people here who have 10,000 or have they all dumped on us?

any anons give me strength to keep accumulating during these next few years please

I have like 40k links.never sold any. don't worry just keep holding newfriend. link is unironically the only thing that matters in this space

Calm down