Do any of you have a job that makes you happy?

I'm getting a second chance at life and am thinking about going back to school. Any of you guys actually enjoy your job AND make enough money to grow your wealth?

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I have a degree in Anthropology and could go back to school to get my master's but that means suffering through being around university cultists and getting the jab. I currently work in mental health and make about 47k a year. It's a burn out job though, and the median housing cost here is $550k.

Or do I just invest my new found gains and live like a degen? I'm working with around 300k.

No. I am a porn star. getting up everday to fuck hot bitches is getting old.

>enjoy your job AND make enough money to grow your wealth?
Lmao of course not.

yes i work in data science with a blockchain related startup and i am perma remote and can travel while working.

i love it, i have no real boss or anyone who checks in on me. i can work on whatever i find interesting, and i can travel different countries while working, as long as i have good internet. currently in mexico

No. My job is suffering. I hate working.
I only do it to not starve

and my TC is like 130k USD and more senior devs make like 250k so yea its obviously way more than enough to grow my health.

i bought my mom a vacation home already cus i have no use for the money i make other than investing it.

i have a comfy job selling vegetables a few days a week. i leech off the government to pay the bills.

>second chance
how about you get a fucking job? You are human garbage. The world doesn't need guys like you.

I'm thinking about trying out coding. It seems like the lowest bar entry for the max amount of profits while having fun at the same time. I don't want to do anything life changing. Just make apps or websites. It's hard to tell the reality of the field in terms of getting a job and learning the material because there are so many assholes online. What are your thoughts, user?

holy fuck i just read this well ur a retard. dont go to get a masetrs in fucking anthropology that is absolute retard tier waste of time.

i have a bachelors from a top university in math and obviously recommend something technical, but i actually got hired for this startup job without them even knowing my real-identity nor my education.

they know now, but my point is literally ANYONE could have gottent his job, as long as they had the technical skills

Did you not read the part where I do have a job and make a modest income in one of the wealthiest parts of the country asshole?

my thoughts is go learn web dev javascript and make six-figures easily within a year. donte ven think about spending time going to an anthropology thing or any retarded degree like that.

basically, what u should do is join crypto projects discords, and start making web apps FOR the crypto projects. dont expect to get paid at first, but apply for grants... theres a LOT of money in crypto....

so u just join crypto discords, make web apps to bolster ur resume, and then either apply to traditional companies with the web apps u made on ur resume, or more realistically get hired by a crypto company doing full time web dev and laugh at everyones whos stuck in corporate jobs...

i know learn2code is a meme at this point, but its the unironic truth. i used to think i was too cool for coding, and wanted to do product management cus i thought i wasnt a lowly coder, but i now realize this is 1000000% the way to financially advance urself and tehre is no second best or altenrative

Keyword, happy. I probably can afford to work in a field that has meaning to me.

Thank you for an actual useful post!

i dont know what u mean by this sentence
>I probably can afford to work in a field that has meaning to me.

but get rid of the idea that any field has "meaning" to you.

if you like ur team, and find the things u work on interesting, u will find meaning in whatever field u work in. whether its crypto, anthropology, or garbage picking.

there is no innate amount of "meaning" that any field can have to u, that is just a lie sold to u by universities so u specialize in one of their degrees

still need something to do retard

I do mine for no reason at all.

I can afford the $25k it takes to get a job where I dig up cool shit in England or the USA and have enough left over to grow. I like archaeology, so it might be worth it. It might also be worth making money now and doing that later I suppose.

Yeah I like my job I get to organise information into hecking cool interactive diagrams all day. It doesn't pay amazing though only £33k a year, but its enough to leave me with some money to invest with

Yeah heavy equipment operator here

>work gives life meaning
t. Mr. Shekelstein, CEO and author of the school curriculum

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

I hate it i hate it so much. Every day I'm one step closer to insanity. And then, this piece of shit called BTC that was supposed to be a store of value for the coming depression... I enter the market to protect my savings and it turns out that crypto follows the stock market and fed policies. I wish I had listened to pol and bought silver

jobs don't make you happy. they just make you barely get by so you don't sleep on the street.
i had a student come up to me and said why i liked my major. i told him how much i hated and that it's a necessary evil.
do you think your mom enjoys cooking and doing the laundry?

They're trying to shake you out. The fact that GOVERNMENTS are trying to shake you out (Russia ban, India ban, China ban) instead of just banks with their usual "38K price target, goyim" analyses should tell you how much BTC is really worth.

also, check em

did creative (f)art bachelor and publishing masters. I write novels on the side and wanted to edit books but lmfao publishers pay peanuts so I headed to non-profits, museums/galleries, and more technical fields. worked as a police transcriptionist for just over a year earning $41kAUD after tax. that was enough to move out and survive with, but not enough imo to invest with. really loved the job, it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done besides wiping my arse, but unfortunately money talks too loud.
just started working as a technical editor and earn about $51kAUD after tax on probation—am due to earn another 10k more after I pass. i enjoy it so far, there’s a lot to learn but it’s a pretty comfy job if you like staring at commas and xml docs all day. housing prices in the area I’m renting in rn are pretty decent so I’m saving up for a deposit which I could comfortably achieve in a year or so while investing in my shitcoins.
if further education in a field you like can get you higher paying jobs, do it now user. don’t leave it until it’s too late

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Quality post. Thanks.

Fuck no

I’m a webdev and I enjoy my job at a small office, I make more than enough money, I could make even more but I decided to cut down my hours since I’ve realized I value (free) time more than money.

Yeah dude Isaac Newton would have been happy picking cotton as long as he was with his niggas