Just a reminder

Bobo posters are not short sellers. Almost all them with handful of exceptions are jealous no coiners and underage teenagers who doesn't even have a bank account on their name. Sminem, bog, bull and bear memes attracted considerable amount of underages to here.

Attached: gym_tranny.png (1750x1824, 1.66M)

That “thing” is disgusting

What. The. Fuck.

But why? It hurts me to see all the gains gone

I hope in 1000 years humanity has evolved past these crimes against nature.

>chicken legs
he was a woman way before the transition

Desperate for attention in both images

you're never too masculine to transition

Attached: wasted genetics.png (713x783, 1.02M)

Most Trenbolone abusers have serious body dysmorphic disorder ngl.
Don't ever touch that shit, or even normal roids, it will fuck your head permanently

the before and after are both disgusting. mentally ill always gravitate to the extreme while every philosopher and prophet praised balance.

No homo, he was a good looking guy.
No he's an ugly woman.

>trannies are low test men

well this hypothesis just got blown out of the fucking water.

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This. Not all men are born to be a woman.

>Goes on a cycle
>Doesn't control his aromatase
>Has a big estrogen rebound
>Gets gyno, gets fat arond waist/hips
ZOMG Guys, I was born into the wrong body, I was a woman this entire tiem!

Why does this seem to happen with steroid users.

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its always white men, the true mentally ill and beta race

I would say rich bored people with no problems who want problems.

Taking steroids lowers the test you produce naturally and has side-effects like isn't Brazil tranny capital of the world?

He went down a cup size.

you have to have something going on mentally to be mentally ill

Tell that to women.

>tfw tranny chinmogs you

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checked and keked

White men are the ones who are attacked most fiercely for their identity. Black men are attacked to a lesser extent (as men), so you do see a lesser level of trannyism among them. You could chart out the hate members of a demographic receive for being what they are and the numbers of them that try to become something else.