What are the economic consequences of this?

We know why we're all here. Some of us will make it, but we are a microscopic minority within the general population.
What happens when the rest realized they are priced out of crypto forever and NGMI even with traditional investments?

Attached: boomer wealth.png (2300x2227, 163.95K)

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boomers are all about to die, their wealth will (finally) move to people who need it

Why wouldn't the oldest people have the most money?

Kek user their entire wealth will evaporate into the healthcare system.

The Millennial chunk is missing the extra human capital of all that college education.

So just picture each of them transferred like $50k up to the Boomer line. Then and play out.

We are at the end of a sigma 3 super bubble that will obliterate all boomer wealth. I strongly suggest you exit all markets lest you suffer with them.

user, I...

Attached: FAEA8DD7-3FC9-48E2-B762-A100F5B23AEE.jpg (1125x1644, 537.28K)

Boomers are in control of pretty much all government and large financial institutions. Boomers are also the largest voting bloc.
What makes you think that the economy built by boomers and for boomers will implode and transfer wealth to you?

The Fed is out of options. Even if they keep rates at zero it won't be enough to maintain current asset valuations. Of course if they keep rates at zero we will see the empire end. They won't do that. The boomers are just now beginning to cash out of all risk assets. The S&P is going back to 2500 over the next 5 years.

All boomer assets will become bank owned.
Klaus didn't appear for nothing.
Crypto and starting a successful biz is the only millennial/zoomer hope.

I-I don't think I'll make it, bros...

>The S&P is going back to 2500 over the next 5 years.
Inflation + millenial/zoomer 401k's will simply buy the bag.
The S&P will continue to increase.. at the rate of inflation (the new savings account)

I love my mom and dad, but I'm 99% sure my dad will give a huge amount of his estate to charity. He talks all the time about how Warren Buffet refuses to give his kids/grandkids money so they will succeed on their own merits, which I can almost guarantee is a LARP and probably just PR from the Buffet family. It's my parents' money, they can do whatever they want with it, but the point is my generation is probably going to stay poor even as the baby boomers pass.

The median boomer has around 200k in savings.
Not much.
Any money remaining before the final 3-5 years of life will be spent on medical costs or retirement living care.

In other words, the overwhelming majority of boomers will spend it all, pass on nothing, and reverse mortgage their home to a bank to fund their retirement.

historically pretty much all wealth has been produced by resource-extraction and obtained by inheritance
anything else is a historical aberration
transition away from this aberrational early-postindustrial period is part of why housing-costs-as-yearly-income-multiples have exploded.
hope you got a foot on the ladder in the last 15 years, else you will drown in the mud. While those with precarious positions on the ladder legislate more loaded-guns in your face, from desperate fear of what you've become.

They’ll donate all their wealth to Africans.

Attached: A9FFF3E2-A5FA-4FD9-A06B-E7FC6ACA424E.jpg (828x636, 307.46K)

>their wealth will (finally) move to people who need it
Like thrust funds.
No wealth is coming to millennials. Crypto is our only chance.

This is exactly how I know we've peaked. People like you that think it's a risk free "investment" lmao. Fighting inflation is not as simple as throwing your money into an index fun.

lovely evidence as to why counting-one's-inheritance is so despicable. the final five years of a person's life can be more expensive than the entire preceding 5-6-7 decades combined.
I love seeing fat, overripe rotting-on-the-vine fruits of decadence living to watch their lottery-tickets pissed away on medical treatments.

>the end of a sigma 3 super bubble
I read that article too. Let The Wild Rumpus Begin, right?
Michael Burry calling the end of the ETF-SuperBubble.

Ding ding ding. This is the truth. This is why I run an unlicensed old people home. I house15 senile boomers and make +$4m a year, all clean income. I pay $1.5 per hour some illegal mexican girls to wipe their asses off. We watched human centipede last night, they loved it.

Covid was really bad for business, so I invested one milly into anti-vax conspiracy ads to keep my little dollar cow boomerinos in denial.
It's great business and I still can't compete with what the real big boys of health insurance and old people care make. The real money is in the legit operations, they are far more dangerous than the jungle cartels.

Nobody said anything about risk free, dingooooling.
>Fighting inflation is not as simple as throwing your money into an index fun.
Yes, in fact it is, over the medium/long term. Especially for the normie.
"risk free" treasury bonds that provide a negative real yield won't do it. You will lose purchasing power and get cut in half over a few years from "official" inflation rates.
Parking cash in a FDIC savings account while "official" (20%+ in reality) inflation rips won't do it either.

They will

Attached: The_Eternal_Boomer.png (1080x701, 353.64K)


If you could wait 30 years then you are probably right. In the meantime you will get rekt. The boomers absolutely cannot wait that long. They are dependant on that money and will cash out.

Money invested in 1929 wouldn't see a recovery until 1954.