Take the Ampl pill

Take the Ampl pill

It can never die even if the devs abandon it. Its antifragile and will keep going until it has a marketcap in the billions and is in the top 10. It is the only decentralized dollar that makes sense long term. Keeps up with inflation and doesnt need and third party staking or collateral. It literaly cant die. And no gov can take it down.

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How does this differ from Ohm?

Lost 28K on Ohm by the way.

Ohm copied Ampl rebasing. Ampl invented the concept. Ohm and other stable algos try to collaterizd ie back their token which makes all the midwits think its safe. Ampl is going a pure path of rebasing which is the harder pathway but the only antifragile direction to go. Ampl team said these projects would collapse and they have.

So what's preventing Ampl from going down the same path as Ohm and all of its forks?
Also, are there any Arabs who faked their deaths and had plastic surgery to conceal their former identities involved in Ampl?

I just told u

You didn't explain why it can't trend towards 0.

Nial Ferguson is an advisor. Google him. This is not one of those scams.

Suddenly u went from knowing nothing to knowing about all the Ampl clones.lol


Why don't you be honest and talk about how negative rebases rape your money if you hold Ampl. For the past week, it's been negative rebases every single day. Might as well just use stablecoins, kek

"keeps up with inflation" fucking lol

See Anyway, is Ampl available on other chains? Because I'm sure as shit not paying Vitalik's goyimtax.

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lol, I'm right.

Cause the rebase is the entire point you fucking jeet. You cant just expoentially have positive rebases you dumb fucker. Until every brown hand has sold can this move up.

ok buddy, stay out then

then it's not a decentralized dollar when your bag loses value over time. Ampl is literally WORSE than inflation holding stablecoins.

Now Amplcuck, shill us about how the worthless marketcap % is worth anything.

Cant trade it with bots, orders cancelled around reading.

Any new generated ampl has to go from dev wallet to exchange so it's not fool proof.

Devs are fucking shifty as fuck. I won't say exactly how but it's public if you scratch around.

It keeps it's peg less than 5% of the time. Pass.

Should be cancelled around rebase not reading*

Why is the IQ of some thirdworlders do.low? The main fud of Ampl is they are stealing our coins when the rebase is negative. And were like wowowow free money on positive ones. Literaly couldnt understand quantity was a proxy for price on any other crypto. No one when Bitcoin drops in price screams Bitcoin is stealing my dollars!!!! Holy shit. Ampl was too good for Biz jeets.

Also why does ampleforth need a governance token Evan you grimey fish head

VCs cashed out hard in 2020 when cucks like OP held the bags into extended negative rebase territory and tricking others into "muh smart money".

Its not a peg you fucking mouthbreather paki.

Ampleforth has an ideal happy medium where it likes to sit and doesn't rebase positive or negative and sits idle and neutral, your id is the same colour as your skin Evan.

it is tho smart money, fucking hayek never in his wet dreams could've thought it was possible


Why does it spend so little time in the neutral zone Evan?

Im up 5x kid and have staked for a year. You cant blame your shitty genetics on it pumping so hard.

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Yeah op just become Evans baggie and is shilling it here.

imagine guzzling VC cum with marketing buzzwords like this poster while his bags bleed

Your shilling an algorithmic stablecoin and also saying you 5x'd on it. Working absolutely as intended then isn't it rajeesh


Lol. I just cant. Back to your indian hut sanjay. Ampl isnt for you.

Brain Armstrong of coinbase wanted to cash out even more with Ampl by listing Forth without listing the shit stain that is Ampl on the exchange.

Forth literally doesn't do shit except fund VCs even more.

I'm up x50 and will never sell AMPL

The tech isn't genius, AMPL is just the most efficient lend/borrow token.

CB will list this year im hearing. Once this gets vol behind it this will be unstoppable. Never selling.

Your shilling something you don't even understand give bonk posters who want to flip a quick buck.

You said in your post even if the devs bailed ample would be fine. How would generated amole go from dev wallet to exchanges right now of devs walked away from the project? I'm all ears how that'd happen?