Crypto to crypto is a taxable event

>crypto to crypto is a taxable event

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Not paying it, simple as.

Not in my country

Show me what supreme court ruling made it legal to tax Americans anything, then show me the one where is says "cryptocurrency"

It's legal to shoot those trespassing by the way.

pyramids are built from the ground up user...

Attached: FJ9BDhunyM - Hyper Pyramid - 95% Reflections - Yep it's Pharaoh time.jpg (1891x1133, 383.45K)

>don’t pay my taxes
>IRS sends letter threatening to “lean against my house”
Why would I care if a guy leans up against my house?

Attached: E735ECA7-53B3-4EAD-81D4-7D2ABB495C4D.jpg (925x1140, 694.17K)

Not here.

Not in my country, loser.

I find it funny that she probably spitted that right afterwards and went back to eating cotton.

jokes on you, I thrive in a jail environment.

Wrapping crypto going across chains is taxable also

im sorry

Attached: hans.png (636x850, 1.32M)

Crypto isn't legally taxable at all, none of it, none of it's been legally accessed yet you turds.

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>that line on her neck
Reptilian flesh suit wearer detected

What country? Pretty much every country on earth has this law since it's considered a disposition.

Sorry! Ugh I know but I'm just not gonna pay tax, hahahaha

Spam the same thing as a blockchain project 2 years ago and I bet the team was a good one

It's a shirt user

Plenty of countries don't
I'm French and crypto to crypto isn't taxable
Cyprus has no tax on day trading or crypto gains either

That's what they want you to think dingus