My country just implemented a 30% tax on crypto

My country just implemented a 30% tax on crypto.

But they also legally recognized it, so no more bans.

How to feel about this anons?

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Same amount as U.S. Not great. Good luck to you though

>imagine thinking any income would not get taxed unless living in a non-retarded jurisdiction

Based. Every country should do the same

Move to Thailand

What country?


Hopefully they put it up to 99%

Pajeetland. Did you not see the green dildo candle in charts? That was right when the announcement was made.

India only just PROPOSED such a tax.
What absolute shithole do you live in where it's already a reality?

ahahahahaha you think your shit hole was the cause of the pump? fuck off you smelly street shitter. You faggots singlehandedly ruined all aspects of airdrops

It's a proposal made in the annual budget. It will, 100%, be implemented.

30% is high but doable.
Anything in excess is stealing definitely if you cant subtract a losing year.

Same as in France if you're not considered a professional trader, which is not properly defined at all.
At least it's easy to calculate.

Fuck of jeet

That's no big deal if you invest on project with fundamentals and utility cases. You''ll balance the excess tax. Likes of avax, fwt ada dot etc will make a good deal

That's a good thing.
30% capital gains is fairly average. The legal recognition is worth that for sure.

No need moving stake on freeway and get a fixed and juicy apy's. then paying 30% in tax will be a child play. Remember you get 43% apy with their supercharge, DYOR user

30% is high. if you're ever going to become rich, the difference 30% vs 20% vs 10% is massive.
imagine cashing out 3m and you have 2.1m left.
that money you lose to taxes instantly is as much as what some people manage to save up in their entire life..

with a 20% tax, cash out 3m and get out 2,4m. that 400k difference is enough to get a nice passive income..
0-10% would be the dream but the countries offering this rate have other negatives. considering the costs of living. 0% tax on Monaco (?) but also incredibly expensive to live, so it kinda evens out.
Eastern Europe is good imo. reasonable tax, no leftism, and affordable houses. Asia is expensive.

Does being a crypto millionaire make you into a professional trader?

not sure about France,
but many move to Portugal because 0% crypto tax.. however, that 0% only applies if you are not a professional trader, OR, if it is your main source of income.
seems like people moving there are in for a surprise. that would mean you cant just cash out $1m tax free.

Who cares about some 3rd world shithole?

Fuck off pajeets streetshitter. Nobody give a fuck