He will be remembered as a savior who took his country out of poverty

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>he will be remembered
>as a savior who took his country out of poverty

el salvador literally translates to savior


Why wouldnt they use a stablecoin as currency?

There are no stable currencies.

This scriptwriting is getting ridiculous



They crucify him first and then will remember him forever as their Savior.

even if bitcoin goes to a million fucking dollars and this gaylord distributed the wealth to every resident, they would get $186 each

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Because the idea is to drop the dollar in the first place dumbass

so by this logic every shitty leader ever was a savior, not just this guy

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he will be remembered as a retard who bankrupted the country with fake internet coins.

Which is still much more than they will ever own

Not necesarilly based on the dolllar, but i dont think that is the idea behind

>blocks your path

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Do people even know how to use crypto down there?

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stable compared to what?

Jesus christ is the savior. But el salvador was founded by freemasons so it probably refers to lucifer

Your mental health

the kino is writing itself

because that's idiotic ?