Is the $10 Taco Bell subscription a good financial decision?

Is the $10 Taco Bell subscription a good financial decision?

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Only if you eat 1 taco daily

We’ll considering 1 tacos costs $1.49, I’d say it’s fucking worth it dipshit. Do the math.. 30 x 1.49 = 44.7. 10 < 44.7

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It pays for itself starting with the 6th Doritos Locos Taco or Soft Taco, so yes.

Imagine eating fast food

do you really think it's worth going to taco bell just for 1 taco? you're going to want to buy more stuff.

Like I'm gonna drive to Taco Bell every single day, kek. Obviously once you're there you're going to have to spend money to get a meal out of it, so no, it's not worth it. It just means you'll be eating fast food for thirty days straight, cost you a ton of money, ruin your health... all for your "meal" to grow in size by one taco.

Great idea by the Bell though, props to their marketing team. People are dumb enough to go for it.

Just get 10 x subscriptions = 10 tacos a day

The math is obvious you dummy but it would feel quite embarrassing to show up to Taco Bell daily. for a free Taco. And what about the health implications? I might have to spend more on Pepto Bismol and Immodium.
Big brain

If you plan to eat 7 or more taco bell tacos per month it is worth it

if you have the self discipline to only eat 1 taco per day from TB it would be worth it. Obviously the goal of this promotional service is to get you to go to a taco bell more frequently, which will lead to you buying more larger meals for taco bell and thus more money for TB

the overwhelming majority of people who buy the subscription service also won't actually use it more than a few times a month. I think the exception is actual wagies who work next to or at a taco bell

You're gonna fucking die before its worth. Your health is worth far more than whatever savings this could possibly entail

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I’m so sick of this globohomo corporate hell that these soulless kiked have created

but your every material need is provided for, isn't that nice? :^)

Why would you eat that shit? that is not even food

depends on the use case and proper analysis to know how long it would be in the market. Currently bullish on smartlox, can't believe lox network is now in the metaverse.

I signed up since it is worth it for me. I already was eating taco bell 5 times a week, everytime i got off work. Typically i go to wendys or popeyes on the weekend since i go to taco bell enough during the week and i also like to have frosties. However since taco bell came out with this i will probably be switching over to taco bell 7 days a week to get my moneys worth. Will probably go to wendys for the other meal each day though. Probably wendys for lunch and taco bell for dinner on the weekend. I just wish mcdonalds had something like this since i also go there 5 times a week for breakfast before work.

ew what a terrible hand model.

post belly

post acne

post watch

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