What the hell is with this awful bullet club civil war and kicking out G.O.D? And on SIMPACT of all shows...

What the hell is with this awful bullet club civil war and kicking out G.O.D? And on SIMPACT of all shows... I'm lost here. is Gedo lost in the mind? What is this weird crap?

Also Tama Tonga thread.

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They’re not in Bullet Club anymore?

Have sex.

the tongans are massive fucking antidraw nodimes shitters and have been dragging bc down since the day they joined
good fucking riddance

Jay kicked them out in favor of the Good Sisters.

Wait what? What happened?

I doubt it happens, but having GoD as Hangman’s henchmen would be so much better than fucking Dark Order in his feud against the Elite

No one gives a shit about Bullet Club anymore

Shut up tranny no one watches your slop shop

GoD it's on the side of EVIL

>Jay vs. Evil

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Based thread

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That was fucking wild

It was one of the most soulful moments in Any Forums's short history

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Pay attention.

But I am not an e-drone, nor a tranny.

This thread and coomer threads that go to 300 are legendary.

Thats not true

Bullet Club is in the nWo Wolfpac chapters where the stable has clearly ran it's course, but they try to extend it anyway with betrayals and members jumping back and forth between the two groups. Just fucking end this experiment already.

Are they still top merch movers? nWo shirts were still by far the highest sellers even when the storylines sucked. That’s why they stuck around for so long.

Yet people still go crazy for it in america.