Muh injuries

>muh injuries

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perhaps he should have developed a personality and learnt how to cut a promo isatead

show some respect

>respect a fag who wrestles blow up dolls

Turns out all those legends who told him to slow down and save his body were right

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Madcap Moss just got spike on his fucking head and he finished the match, goes to show what massive pussies AEW wrestlers are lmao

>Do risky flippy shit for 20 years
>It catches up to you

when go over 30, no matter what you do, you'll start feeling physical pain somewhere in your body almost daily. wrestlers just accelerate the wear and tear but you aren't gonna be safe from it either. enjoy your 20s, kids.

Wtf are you talking about Kenny worked an entire year with multiple surgery requiring injuries. Stop being such a little faggot.

the greatest performers of all time put it all on the line whenever they're up. bunch of fags itt who would rather watch mild wrestling

Let me be clear. When you take those kind of bumps especially on your neck it hurts, a lot. Especially in new Japan when you kill your self for 60 minutes. I don’t care how well physically fit you are, you only have one brain

>money and miles
Kenny is a bitchmade mark confirmed

That meme about turning 35 and your body just starts to turn into dust. It’s real

Any man or woman who cares about star ratings is a mark.

trips of truth

Never drew a dime

Don't talk about your parents like that.

According to who? Kenny and dave? Lmaoooo

Good, hope he hangs himself from depression. Fucking stupid mark. Blow up doll wrestling faggot. Floppy flippy shit fucking retard.

Faggots deserve death

This so much bros.