Cody Rhodes BTFO thread

Putting together a list of all the mistakes Cody made since AEW started. Will try to keep them chronological. If I miss anything make a reply with shit I missed

>getting his wife a major role
in the company right off the bat
>scaring the shit out of his dog with fireworks
>the stipulation where he’d never wrestle for the AEW world title again
>letting his wife book the women’s division
>the Nightmare collective
>the neck tattoo (this is where it all went really downhill IMO)
>distancing himself from the Elite and never doing anything on screen with them (also leaving BTE)
>losing the TNT title to Brodie Lee only to come back a few weeks later and getting his win back
>the ladder match where he got stretched out only to come back at the last minute and win
>the nightmare factory
>the nightmare factory civil war
>the CodyVerse
>the Anthony Ogogo feud
>Cody’s promo about racism
>his home lander attire
>all the wink wink nudge nudge moments about turning heel
>the crowd turning on him
>never actually turning heel
>getting beat by Black only to make it all about himself and pretend to retire
>immediately coming back to get his win back and destroying Blacks moment (Black hasn’t recovered from this imo)
>all the stipulation matches where he did over the top stuff to try and get himself over when all he needed to do was stop being involved in terrible storyline’s

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>>the ladder match where he got stretched out only to come back at the last minute and win
I thought Scorpio Sky won that?

I think you might be right. My bad.

Also I forgot that weird Pentagon feud that happened for like 3 weeks and then they never did anything together ever again.

>>the stipulation where he’d never wrestle for the AEW world title again
That would have been a good decition if he turned heel by ignoring the stipulation

putting a baby in brandi so he pays alimony & child support

fuck off edrone. if you make stips, you strictly enforce them. he should have just never made the stip.

>putting together a list of all the mistakes Cody made since AEW started
>botches first line of greentext

>mistakes cody made
>letting his wife book the women’s division
tony khan let this happen
>nightmare collective
tony khan
>losing the TNT title to Brodie Lee only to come back a few weeks later and getting his win back
the booker, tk
>the nightmare factory civil war
>the CodyVerse
>the Anthony Ogogo feud
cody rhodes (and the other evps) had no booking power after 2019

>>losing the TNT title to Brodie Lee only to come back a few weeks later and getting his win back
Brodie's medical woes happened after the dog collar match and he requested it be Cody, apparently, to take the title back. Cody's second reign lasted less than 2 weeks, one defence against Orange and than a losing effort to Darby

I do remember him being taken to the back due to a kayfabe injury. Someone? (Arn maybe?) was clearly visible standing in the entrance tunnel afterwards and because of that, I knew Cody would eventually return in the match. Whoever was standing there kinda ruined it. Oh well.


I like Cody a lot. He's one of the best babyfaces on earf. Problem is, my dislike if WWE outweighs my like of Cody, so I won't get to see him because I will not watch WWE.

Holy cope

Yeah I’m sure it’s just a coincidence every Cody’s did was cancer

More like tranny seethe and cope thread.

Penta cut a dimes promo on Cody before that and it looked like he was about to go on a run. Maybe I’m wrong, but I remember Penta doing his arm breaker on Cody and still losing lol.

>>>getting his wife a major role
>in the company right off the bat
I'd do the same
>>scaring the shit out of his dog with fireworks
Who cares
>>the stipulation where he’d never wrestle for the AEW world title again
Not nepotism booking himself world title wins is a good thing
>>letting his wife book the women’s division
Bad idea if true
>>the Nightmare collective
>>the neck tattoo (this is where it all went really downhill IMO)
>>distancing himself from the Elite and never doing anything on screen with them (also leaving BTE)
They obviously fell out for real so....
>>losing the TNT title to Brodie Lee only to come back a few weeks later and getting his win back
And then Brodie died. They can deny it all they want but they obviously knew something was wrong with him.
>>the ladder match where he got stretched out only to come back at the last minute and win
Wasn't watching so idk
>>the nightmare factory
same as above
>>the nightmare factory civil war
same as above
>>the CodyVerse
hit and miss
>>the Anthony Ogogo feud
>>Cody’s promo about racism
>>his home lander attire
was based
>>all the wink wink nudge nudge moments about turning heel
>>the crowd turning on him
>>never actually turning heel
he fucked up here
>>getting beat by Black only to make it all about himself and pretend to retire
god forbid a storyline have stakes
>>immediately coming back to get his win back and destroying Blacks moment (Black hasn’t recovered from this imo)
I'm pretty sure Tony was booking by this point
>>all the stipulation matches where he did over the top stuff to try and get himself over when all he needed to do was stop being involved in terrible storyline’s
You loved it before and defended it when he was mocked for bleeding in every match

>>the ladder match where he got stretched out only to come back at the last minute and win
I totally forgot about that.
The way he sold it would have perfect for a comedy promotion poking the idea of leaving a match and coming back later.

>Brodie, I know you’re dying of pulmonary fibrosis, but we really need you to do this match before you leave. Look, it’s not a real dog collar. You’re barely gonna feel anything.

Cody completely no sold Penta’s armbreaker so fucking fast after taking it it made me seethe but I couldn’t help but laugh how Hulk Hogan comical the whole thing was.

>>scaring the shit out of his dog with fireworks
Who cares
people with working brains ya goddamn fuckin retard. animals nearby or not, anyone that thinks fireworks are fun needs to quit sniffing glue