It’s the fact that Bayley and Sasha have done just as much if not more than Charlotte and Becky in their careers and...

It’s the fact that Bayley and Sasha have done just as much if not more than Charlotte and Becky in their careers and still somehow get openly disrespected and treated as second best any time there’s a conversation about the Horsewomen. It’s baffling at this point.

Attached: wwe-bayley-and-sasha-banks-1594994396.jpg (1200x1200, 162.47K)

Every “female” wrestler sucks. Fuck off.

Sasha and Bayley get better booking than 99% of the roster but their fans whine because of that 1% (Becky and Charlotte).

Nobody cares stop whining

The only one out of The Four Horsewomen that matters is the GOAT women’s wrestler, Sasha Banks. The other three can fuck off. Becky and Charles both look like men and are confirmed anti-draws. Bayley is Jay Leno’s daughter.

Holy shit that Jay Leno line cracked me up


This is the only correct response.
This game of fuckers trying to pretend cunts are not just wasting time and money is tired.

>The only one out of The Four Horsewomen

There is no such thing.
Being the "GOAT" womans wrestlers amounts to jack and shit.

>There is no such thing.
There is. You’re just an autistic incel.
>Being the "GOAT" womans wrestlers amounts to jack and shit.
Whatever you say. Women’s wrestling is better than it has ever been. Keep living in the past. Sasha Banks is all I care about. She’s beautiful and the most talented women’s wrestler. You are dismissed.

The Kabuki Warriors were based

>Women’s wrestling is better than it has ever been

Yes, still low end shit that no one other than virtue signaling faggots care about.

Not that user, but if women are gonna be talking up 15 minutes on a card and we're not allowed to have them strip half naked anymore, they might as well be good. That's my outlook.

Shut up, Dillon.

But they are not, EVER.
They simply cannot be good at wrestling any more than they can be good at any real combat.

I need to see these thots get slimed.

Okay, user. user, okay.

Because they are women you god damn brainwashed mutant!

And? Wrestling is fake

This is complete headcanon

filters working overtime today

This is exactly my take. If you weren't at the very least entertained by Britt/Rosa beating the shit out each other last year just turn the product off at this point

Yes, just like you pretending that womens wresting is some kind of thing, it is a work it is fake.

They haven't main evented Wrestlemania. No, closing the first night of a two night event doesn't count.

The only WWE female wrestlers I ever liked were Bayley and Kairi Sane

True and Mandopilled.