Book Codys debut

Book Codys debut

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EC3? Where are EC2 and EC1?

>tv deal imminent
hillbilly tv getting new shows I see

His family tree

Kino is back on the menu

Cody who? Hall?

Cleveland area

They deserve success

He gets slimed along with Braun and EC3

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Debut Match 1 on 1 with Bob Holly for the TRPW (trans rights pro wrestling) world championship

Bob Holly shoots and beats Cody’s ass

20+ year Bob reign

They are going to take ROH's spot

Not a penny was drawn


If this is an anti-tranny fed than they have my support. Otherwise idc

More like book Ryback and Queef Pee's debut
Hoss Fight W

Imagine the dimes

they are mice

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Dumb steroid guys, cutting generic motivational promos with the sigma music playing.
I'll check it out, need to book Jocko Willinks


Why would ec3 be friends with this known homosexual unless.....