
How did he stand in the fireworks without getting burned? I still can't figure it out after all these years.

Even if he avoided getting burned wouldn't the fumes also have fucked him up?

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It's because he's one of YHWH's chosen people user

Nobody tell him

Goldberg is a sexual masochist so he gets off on it, why do you think he keeps shoot headbutting doors things?

Jewish tricks.

He lit himself on fire every day, a little more each time. Eventually he was impervious to fire damage.

No one told Carder either.

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yeah, he rapes goyim babies, so he's protected by demons from fire

Cringe whiteboi

just dont believe in fire thats how

every time i saw him inhale the smoke i cringed because that shit aint healthy

he slathered himself in burn ointment found in your basic first aid kit

you should try it

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I've heard him say in an interview it sucked doing every time because it stung like a bitch.

I say it was totally worth it though, the guy had one of the best entrances ever. WCW Goldberg was dope as hell. People love to shit on him today and I known he's not a good wrestler but 7 year old me got excited as fuck when Goldberg came out and so did the arenas full of people.

Really based way to get ready for a match

He moved out of the way of each spark at the last second

kek what a crispy bitch

Jewish magic, obviously

he did get burned, that's why he did forearms and shit afterward, because it pissed him off every time

He is inspired by his ancestors who no sold the chambers


Goldberg was more over with his entrance, intensity and three moves than Kenny Omega will ever be, no matter how many hour long matches he does for Meltzer approval.