Witch one of these old bastards will die first?

Witch one of these old bastards will die first?

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Wtf. Anyways, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan will say goodbye to this world simultaneously like the chuds that they are. No one will miss either of them.


Flair easily

Probably Flair. It's amazing how either of them were able to outlive everyone else from their era. Flair basically has 9 lives.

Hogan runs on pure dimes but I don't know whats keeping Flair going other than drinking and getting divorced

Basterd bitch

Hulk Hogan draws his energy from the legions of Hulkamaniacs around the world brother, Death isn't going over him until Hulkamania does dude HH

Miz is my pick. Only can see flair if he got the cof

Flair basically lived like Scott Hall, but longer.

Flair will be dead by the end of the year
Hogan is basically crippled by this point, but I reckon he'll last another decade or so

Flair. It wont be long, honestly. His heart will just explode one day.


Hogan did more roids so I think his heart will just explode, Flair will live to 110 and still drink every night.

Cocaine and alcohol when you are geriatric is just asking for the big gig in the sky.

Hogan is immortal. He went to TNA and survived

I still can't believe Flair managed to live to see 70. I think Hogan will live to see 70 next summer.

Flair's death is imminent

Hopefully Flair so Hulkster can flex at the funeral while they put Flair down

Flair has fucked up his body his entire life, his body just became accustomed to the punishment and now is resilient as fuck. But I doubt it will outlive Hogan's dime drawing power.

Definitely not the immortal Hulk Hogan