Putting a big black guy on TV was enough to shut him up

>putting a big black guy on TV was enough to shut him up
LMAO, guess the deli meat contract ran out

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He'll be seething in a matter of weeks when Lee is not the next challenger for the AEW World Title. Just wait.

>being such a mark that you get worked by JR putting over the new debut
There's no hope for this geek writing about the wrestling business

a moment of silence followed by weeks of chimping. just wait

Shut the fuck up. This is a big win for us, for the culture.

ya gonna burn down a wendys to celebrate durrell?

Also when Lee disappears of TV because he’s unfit. Meltzer buried the fuck out of Keith on WOR a few days ago. If Dave is burying this guy you know he has major problems.

Have fun watching him on youtube soon nigger.

>Shut the fuck up. This is a big win for us, for the culture

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worked by a wigger

He barely even moved the other guys were bumping like crazy for him. That's fine I mean that was the idea and all but lee seems like he has gotten so much older and slower.

>Jim Ross was literally marveling at him.
That's is job, you dumb fuck.

alfreddo doesn't know wrestling

Will he lose his first match? And why didn't he get in shape. If he can't exercise then atleast diet.

he literally won his first match

>Keith Lee is so based even the biggest retards have to admit it

More like Tolkien Black

JR was just splooging over the fact he's like 340lbs or whatever

bruh he's been attempting to become somebody for over a decade and still hasn't made it

Giant weeb is gonna be on Dark by Spring and that's the shoot.


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>WWE branded cutting board

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Imagine being like this, imagine being so obsessed with race that you celebrate mediocrity.

>selling yourself out for gabagool

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to be fair JR was really laying it on, but he always does that for ex college football players

it's almost as if he isn't the hyper-partisan guy people made him out to be