I can’t believe ROH failed

I can’t believe ROH failed

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I am pretty sure Bully Ray says dumb things to get attention and stay relevant.

This. Ric Flar was doing the same thing around the time his new podcast started.

I'm so sick of Bully Ray's backseat booking

Bubba should go home and be a fan

What a fucking fantasy booking mark

this what people say about every idiot in the news
they're actually just idiots, not playing 3d chess

You have to remember, he has severe brain damage

Flair just talks shit, he doesn't actually put out booking ideas

Seems like something WWE would do

>Roman can beat 35-40 year olds
>but not a 50+ year old
It would be terrible, and this example is why no one really values much of what this dough boy guido has to say. He instantly got heat with me when he acted like an SJW fuck at one of ROH's shows a couple of years ago when he got worked into a seethe by a fan for booing.

>has security secretly drag you backstage so he can slap you for booing heels
Same, I can't believe it either.

No. If you saw his booking in TNA and ROH you would realize he's an idiot.

Wasn't he the one that booked the run-in on the G1 supercard?
that they didn't tell NJPW about?
despite G.o.D. literally winning the ROH tag belts before the run-in?
and also didn't mention it to a chunk of the ROH talent?

made Tama so mad he just chucked the title at a wall and called it a piece of shit as soon as he got backstage?

Yeah. NJPW was really pissed off about that. Because not only did G.o.D. not know, you have Jado at ringside, not having any idea what the fuck is going on.

Tama's exact words as he got backstage were, "Look at this garbage. Nobody gives a fuck about no RoH." and then he buried everybody who participated in the run in.

>No. If you saw his booking in TNA
I know he was booking in ROH and tanked that company dead into the ground, but was he actually booking in TNA? One of things I remember was when he suddenly got pushed as a singles main eventer and was the leader of a biker faction called Aces n Eights which was terrible.

I assume he was at least part of the decisions that led to the NJPW relationship with TNA getting fucked.

Nobody knows or cares how old these guys are, shut the fuck up already

>shut the fuck up already
or what?


>Tama at 50 seconds

hahahaha fucker went offffff
and this is on the NJPW YouTube channel, as well


He was on the creative team during the Hogan era.
It was Russo who had Naito lose a squash match to Nash.

It's a misconception that Okada's booking being the reason NJPW broke ties.