She's right

She's right

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more like Serena DWEEB lmao

they're women. what do you expect?

she needs to shut her white old ass up
I hope she gets canceled next

She fucked her big chance on the big leagues

women will always complain
even if a female only wrestling show would came out and draw 3 million viewers weekly they'd still complain, citing how the dark days of misoginy of the attitude era drew more

Wow racist much? She's orange, not white.

It's in the nature of a woman to complain. Even she is complaining about people complaining.

>best female worker on the roster
>is based
Deebchads keep winning

I see nothing wrong with this statement, I blame their envy of male athletic ability.

Makes me wonder if there were any old bitches in Hollywood looking down on modern actresses over the MeToo shit. A bunch of bitches complaining that they got groped to get parts in movies, meanwhile, these old starlets were practically owned by the studios.

Grandma needs to take a nap, she’s getting kinda grumpy

Yeah sawdusting yourself 4-5 nights a week is definitely better than having a pillow fight every few months. women are such tards kek

I hate women

She's 35.

She sounding like she’s 65


She was hot with the shaved head, less so now she's bright orange.

Holy fucking based.
One more reason to like Serena Deeb

Uhm sweety but we're not in 2005 anymore. You're putting us on your low standards which is kinda problematic

I'd sure like to know a real answer to how women don't have the same rights as men in the US. But it's always some made up bullshit like the so called 'wage gap'