God Bix is a slimy fucking asshole

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No argument from me

Based Bix workin the entire board into a shoot. BUT MUH HECKIN JEWS ARE BAD! MUST AGREE WITH FELLOW 4CHANNERS!

God himself hates the jews


Jews are pawns and disciples of Satan.

I want a Jewish gf bros

Bix went over this entire board CLEAN tonight, truly based.

Yup this. I hate Bix but he’s Mega Based for working this board into a seething shoot

Why? London liked it. Seems like he got tired of Kendrick's retardation and grew up. Good for him

I hate christians so fucking much you pieces of shit ruin EVERYTHING.

Bullshit lol
London used to be just as deep into conspiracy theories as Brian if you watched his old shoot interviews back in the day he's just trying to save his own ass

Christians have nothing to do with this you retard. In fact it's the complete opposite.

>Bix went over this entire board CLEAN tonight
If only he could say the same about his underwear

Christ is waiting for you brother HH


>Cancels Daniel Bryan's best friend
>Can't cancel Johnny Knoxville
Based E-Gods win again

That's entirely opposite of the truth and that's obvious to those who don't share your despicable hatred for the one thing that actually gives humanity any hope whatsoever.

>faggot crashes against Christianity for no reason at all
Kendrick might have a point

I remember the bear skin rug too…

you have literally started wars in the name of your religion you evil fucking cunts

And we’ll do it again faggot.
Get saved or get booked in the eternal inferno match

You do realize Christianity isn't the only religion, right? There's been plenty of others that went to war because of different beliefs.

holy based Christchads are brutal

Bix seems to think threatening other people's livelihoods will somehow make him famous and/or less poor than he already is.
It won't.

Why do you guys think the Holocaust didn't happen when the fucking germans admitted it?

Satan is controlling the world, what do you expect?

he's jewish, he's only in it for himself

I took communion at church and the holy water burned my skin is this a rib brothers?

it'd be based if they actually killed 6 gorillion jews

Nobody said the Holocaust didn't happen.

>one ass mad kike bitching about the Christians
Kek Bix does browse this board. Day of the Rope approaches one day closer you pig.