Holy based. What's it like to have a psycho gf?

Holy based. What's it like to have a psycho gf?

Attached: ezgif.com-optimize1.gif (600x337, 2M)

Not as fun irl. But man, I was in-love with Mickie in 2006.

Nice trips. Enjoy the sex but waking up to your tires slashed or your clothes thrown outside into your lawn is not fun.

Not at all fun. My old lady has thrown me out countless times, locked me out in the winter in my underwear, nailed me in the face with full sodas, punched kicked scratched me and once even pepper sprayed me. All because she thinks I am fucking around on her any time I go to damn store. She unironically accused me of having a woman climb in the window and fuck me while she was in the next room. I was playing Xbox ffs.

Attached: crazy mina.webm (720x960, 2.68M)


just get a latina gf

It's shit.
they explode at the drop of a hat and yelling matches can start from virtually anything. By anything, I mean that I once had a massive argument break out just because i wore a dark button up shirt instead of a light one.
If they self harm, they will use their own destruction against you and try to make it seem like it's your fault and that you aren't there for them. Any time for yourself is seen as you being avoidant and distant. Ultimately, it's a chore.

t. Had an Ex with """BPD"""

Mentally and physically exhausting. She was addicted to conflict and used any excuse to scream. She once had a meltdown and then ignored me for three days because I thanked a female cashier at McDonalds. For 18 months I put up with these antics. Eventually her abuse became physical too and I finally left.

Textbook projection. She's definitely cheating on you.

Love yourselves kings. These bitches aren't worth it

Sex is great everything else not so much.

Epic moment

Things to avoid;

>hair dyed unnatural colour
>divorced parents
>left wing
>mostly male friends
>sexually promiscuous


So all woman?

This is actual incel propaganda

She isn't, she has schizophrenia.

Post tits

If a girl is honest enough to tell you she has bipolar disorder and you don't immediately get the hint and leave you deserve everything that happens to you

But she takes medication and is very sweet…

BPD is borderline personality disorder.
It's trickier than you think the first time, especially if they are hot.

Once you get out it's a lesson learned.
Never again

Shoot on her you dweeb

Things to avoid
>people with XX chromosomes