Absolutely soulless

Absolutely soulless.

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we don’t sign our posts here

it's a joke, see, johnny has JK on his shirt
"just kidding"
OP got us good!

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what a rib

Attached: Russo Shane.png (600x375, 347.41K)

kinda like the look honestly


Hi bam!

>Didn't get too see him thrown around by Omos or suplexed by Lesnar

Attached: dm.gif (294x262, 3.46M)

unironically one of the best parts of the rumble

Was pumped to see him at least take a bump but was sorely disappointed. Remember when steve o and chris Pontius got HEEMED by umaga? I was hoping for something cool like that.

SSRIs are based

someone posted a recent steve o video talking about that and he said they never told him to stay down so eventually umaga elbowed his head for real to make him stay down

I no sold them because they didn't lay their shit I'm enough for me :/

vs absolute soul

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9/10 nearly wrote a wall of angry text


I hate nu-Jackass. Bam dodged a bullet by not being associated with those losers anymore

What even is this

what our big pharma overlords want for all of us

how amerifats deal with the fact their society is going to hell

Looks like a work but it's not even that farfetched

no man it's just their brain chemistry. I love having maybe 30 minutes of work a day but still being required to sit at my desk for 8 and then coming home to watch netflix for 3 more hours. Sometimes it's a little hard to pay attention to mundane and ultimately pointless things, but that just means I need to take adderall because my brain is messed up.