Didn't appear on royal rumble last night

>didn't appear on royal rumble last night
He's gonna get release soon, right?

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Probably but AEW is full.

Fuck em' he choose to resign the mark contract.

Nah fuck that, he’s better than 99% of the roster

Pretty fucking stupid of them, he's a solid upper midcard guy but they've done dumber shit this year so who knows

AEW debut soon

oh definitely, as long as he doesn't ask for his release

They'd sign him in a heartbeat

Who cares this fag sucks ass I’d rather watch giant Gonzales vs khali

nah, they'd sign him. They signed kyle o reily ffs

KOR is a based grappler

with a childs face

member when droniE cultists were saying "oh jeff should've just asked for his release, the sloppy shop isn't evil enough to hold onto someone who doesn't want to be there"? what a bunch of retarded cultists dimwits turned out to be

Big Autism KOR stylin' on ya

Maybe he was injured

Cody loves Cesaro

Nah Cesaro is a good panic button that can always be hit and the crowd will always be behind him

>Get treated like shit by WWE for years
>Re-sign with them anyway

This bald cuck deserves no sympathy

Attached: ces.png (594x723, 497.42K)

He's a boring shitter with meme moves like that twirl a whirl or whatever the fuck it's called. Yea he's a perfect fit for AEW.

He would thrive in NJPW than in AEW IMO if he gets released

New Japan has WWE-tier booking lately

There’s no such thing as full in AEW if any WWE guy gets released

dude has never complained about his position, hes just a dude earning a paycheck, why you gotta be a bitch about it

fuck off claudio how many years do you want to do the same swing spot

based dimwit

You're not getting signed, Francis.

They would absolutely sign Cesaro.

This is fucking Cesaro, not some manlet NXT shitter like Gargano.

Cesaro would be incredible in AEW.

he flopped in the roman feud and vince lost faith in him