If Biden tries to get Abbot and DeSantis arrested or removed from office...

If Biden tries to get Abbot and DeSantis arrested or removed from office, how fast would it take for that state to secede from the US?

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Why? For sending low skilled cheap labor to the cities that need it? For chartering private planes and delivering migrants to safety and comfort as opposed to letting them rot? For what?

Two weeks


>If Biden tries to get Abbot and DeSantis arrested or removed from office, how fast would it take for that state to secede from the US?
He won't do shit. The best tactic for the admin imo would be to weaken federal border enforcement. So that would mean defunding ICE and border patrol. This would cause a large wave of illegals that border states couldn't relocate due to financing and logistics. He won't do that though because there is a small risk of retaliation.

Do you honestly think the federal government trusts states with weapons of war after the civil war? The Supreme Court already has precedence saying that no state has the right to secede, any attempt to do so will be put down by the US military.

they should applaud the removal of those clowns, replace them with anybody who works at a gas station, they'll be in much better shape

>Do you honestly think the federal government trusts states with weapons of war after the civil war?
They do though. It just pales in comparison to federal capabilities.

>The Supreme Court already has precedence saying that no state has the right to secede, any attempt to do so will be put down by the US military.
those statements mean nothing, they are opinion, every state has the right to secede and not only that, states that refuse to stop attacking the bill of rights for some or all of their citizens should be kicked out of the union

>that no state has the right to secede
Except Texas

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>federal capabilities.
spending money to hide in a broom closet is capable?

if you don't have the right to remove yourself what leverage do you have against overreach

There should already be a civil war and massive number of assassinations of jews and jew lackies orchestrating and carrying out the shitskin invasion, police state, pushing pedo faggotry. hotwheels and duhsantis both lick the boots of jews so wtf is there to do, already past the point where jews doing should be fucked up and these are jew pawns being "threatened." It's jew theater and yet also jews taking another inch forward in tightening the noose.

Texas has F-16 and MQ-9 squadrons so it isn't nothing.

>He won't do that though because there is a small risk of retaliation.
And cutting off your nose to spite your face is childish and stupid.

There would be a real risk that multiple states would secede if the Feds attempted to do that. It's why the Trump administration didn't do anything when Gov. Newsome and other lefties violated federal law with respect to sanctuary cities.

Now fun fact, both Texas and Florida have their own State Guard that cannot be federalized. Only 1,600 and 400 men respectively, however, both Texas has a GDP of 2 trillion and Florida 1.2 trillion which would put them in the top 20 countries in the world economically. Florida has a GDP per capita equivalent of France, which has a military of 200k strong, and Texas has a GDP per capita a little higher than Canada which has a military of 64k strong.

Point being those states alone could, if they really wanted to, muster up a state militia strong enough that it would be a real big headache for the Feds.

If Abbott called me to help protect him, I would give up my life to keep him safe from the US government.

We are ready to serve our State Leadership if called upon to act.

Just say the word Governor Abbott.

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I find it hilarious how badly this attempt to "own the libs" spectacularly backfired.
They thought the people at MV would be seething and scared of brown people, but they welcomed them with open arms, food, water, shelter and entertainment.
DeSantis got exposed for wasting tax payer dollars on the stunt and both could be potentially fading criminal charges for Domestic human smuggling.

Lmao conservatives are absolute retards. Why would anyone vote to have their tax payer dollars spent on having illegal immigrants shipped to a better place where they why free food, jobs, free shelter, etc. Only retards think this was anything close a "own."

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>hat state to secede from the US?

Supreme Court Justice Scalia said: "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."

So you're stuck with us, nigger.

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suck a dick kike

It's 50 wetbacks, aka nothing, to get the to squeal needs to be thousands, aka a small sample of the invasion.

>but they welcomed them with open arms, food, water, shelter and entertainment.
it's only been a day. let's check back in two weeks

>They thought the people at MV would be seething and scared of brown people, but they welcomed them with open arms, food, water, shelter and entertainment.
That's really good news user.

Well, over 3 million illegal aliens have entered the country so far just this year alone. It sound like MV was able to handle the 50 pretty easily. From now on, every single illegal alien that comes into this country should be shipped to Martha' Vineyard ASAP since they can handle it so perfectly.

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