>here we see a pod of whales voluntarily beaching themselves in hopes to find a mate, who is attractive or financially and stable and willing to allow them to seek other s for extramarital activities
Kayden Foster
The republican governors need to send more. Do a cloward piven strategy but only on democrat dots. Especially marthas vineyard.
>fedex getting fucked but then who will deliver my goods in a damaged state?
Matthew Gomez
Yes. He's nothing more than a fed mouthpiece. Applying the direct opposite of what he says is very profitable. I was asleep, but my phone kept pinging with notifications. There's a lot of news about the markets this morning.
Jack Barnes
Take a look at the leader of the senate and the house and tell me if the gop is a serious political party
Christopher Phillips
>The ends justify the means but only when we do it. That's the Democrat Party credo.
Since FedEx does a lot of the business shipping, they're the canary in the coal mine for the market. They're shutting down stores and grounding planes. But it's not a recession!
I wouldn't go I kneel for no mortal or god but I'd thank them for the invitation
Ethan Williams
holy shit he can`t just walk into the trap.....
David Miller
Well, their CEO forecasting a global recession probably didn't help their stock price but you're right about them being a bellwether. Just wait until the Fed raises interest rates a full point. Shit's about to get interesting. Also, I'd invest heavy in energy stocks and food commodities going into this autumn and winter. You'll make a killing off of them.