Why is England getting so stabby lately?

Why is England getting so stabby lately?

Attached: L O N D O N.png (1032x1052, 1.08M)

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The niggers are violent.

London is 40% white

Is(rael) London?

>Oi av'e you got a loicense for that knoi-ACK!


It can't be, knifes are illegal

Yea this is fake news the UK banned knives.

>knifes are illegal

Not so, you can have a jabby stabby as long as it's under 75mm long and belong to a minority group

Socio-economic factors

b-but i thought knifes are illegal in bongland, how could this happen?

Noivse agin init. bluddy ell.

Or it's those damn english football supporters.
They're so unrully!


It has always been like this. Where I live in London, a person gets stabbed every week. It's only being reported on more, now that it's effecting the faggots who inflicted these Nigs on us.

Banning guns was a huge mistake

>Rest of the UK
Not the same thing.


>Banning guns was a huge mistake
Yes that's just what we need, all the african gangs having guns

Also, more niggers equals more crime. That's always been the case, and it's only recently that you're not allowed to put two and two together.
And what do you know, crime is getting worse everywhere that there's more niggers. Who could have foreseen that?

why does england need machete
disposal bins? it is quite obvious if you
can see past hypernormalisation


no u dofus
making laws where fking up your attacker lands yourself in more trouble is what's fked up

So a white man in London can have a small pocket noif? Good to know if I ever visit. You bongs have wonderful architecture that largely did not survive the trip across the Atlantic

they got 100 man strong machete brawls
things perfectly normal and it happens
for purely economic reasons

Just normal for a big city. Part and parcel one might say

Attached: 1570369928807.jpg (1024x843, 169.15K)

Except it's not about criminals getting them, it's about law abiding people having them so they can counteract the violence of criminals.

Your mind immidiately going to HUURR DURR BUT CRIMS WIL JUST USE THEM is classic British anti-gun propaganda.

it should be a machete the standard weapon
of the british, they had a 100 man machete brawl this month

With the war so close, it is only a matter of time before Javlins and NLAWs start showing up.

They probably deserved it for pronouncing that shit as "Lester".

By lately you mean the last 20 years, right?

It's going back to how it was in the 80s when a lot of towns had feral youth running rampant being a general pain in the arse and committing crime, some of it violent. Its never gone away but there was a really noticeable improvement, certainly in many parts of the North during the 90s and 2000s. Now you can feel it sliding back, lots of kids on scramblers etc no police anywhere. As the economy takes a dip these places are going to be a nightmare to live in

>Except it's not about criminals getting them, it's about law abiding people having them so they can counteract the violence of criminals.

The bongs who want guns have them. There are shooting clubs all over, it just turns out most people don't want them.

What you want is amerishart style self defence laws, and we'll never have those on account of being too culturally different on account of history.

>It's going back to how it was in the 80s when a lot of towns had feral youth running rampant being a general pain in the arse
I remember the 100 man machete
brawls and acid attacks, typical small town stuff in the 80s

If the US population was free to vote they would already have no guns.

>for purely economic reasons
Bullshit, it's also racism