List Any Forums approved vidya/television

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Oppress the savage natives, convert the sand niggers and enslave niggers

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this TV series, except the religious aspects (still interesting as exploration of a past zeitgeist though).

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Specifically the standalone spin-off Civilization: Colonization. Utterly based and great music.

>little house on Prarie

Lmao I remember that show, came on after lambchop sock puppets.

I can't recall any specific episode other that a girl goes blind and screams a bunch

I don't like Bannerlord

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CK3 may very well be a recent new game by Paradox, but it has a much, much easier culture and religion conversion tool compared to CK2.

Much easier for me to transform all of Africa and the middle east into Norse.

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This was banned in Australia

Based, fellow warband enjoyer. But I like Perisno more.

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that game is too easy for a paradox game, can't wait for vic 3 tho

Becoming an adult means realising GDI are the bad guys.

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Tell me how trying to heal the earth by destroying some glow crystal is a bad thing.

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Im playing RN sid meiers Beyond Earth, really good game. Its like the 2.0 of this 1999 sido meiers game not really known but that rocked

Even i miss a more agressive IA,idk why they dont settle everywhere

GDI are globohomo personified. Elites oppressing the masses who Nod wish to empower.

Peace through Power, brother!

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It's on of the hardest redpills on (((corporations))) conspiring with (((governments)))

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>Beyond Earth
We have a retard in here.


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