Finland to enforce nurses back to work against their consent

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People here are so fucking conformist they'll just hang their heads and do as the state tells them.
Sure they'll complain but no one will do shit about it, because doing something would make you stand from the crowd and that's just too terrible.
I swear Finns are like fucking Japs or Chinks when it comes to mass conforming to the rules.

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Twitter is buzzing, 2-3 years ago Sanna Marin told that female led jobs are not respected enough salary-wise and women should strike to get more respect.

Now that they are actually striking she is enforcing them back to work. From slay queen to slave queen.

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Didn't they do this in the US? A bunch of healthcare workers quit at once and the company got a judge to order them to keep their same job and not start at a new company

Well finns are asian

nursing strikes are a threat to obese black people. black life is more important than making a few euros more per hour

That's the price you pay for having "le cheap socialist healthcare", the savings have to come from somewhere.

>woman says things that sound virtuous but are actually destructive to society
Imagine my surprise

>Well finns are asian
Finns are part-Asian. Finngolians to be precise.

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Can't do a proper routine without backup dancers

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if they dont want to return to work, there are millions of africans who will do the job for less, and those white women can go be a waitress and have to fake flirt with ugly men

these are mutt nurses. finnish nurses aren’t like this

>we cant accept the pay raise demand of nurses that would cost extra 300 million a year
50 billion state budget full of money siphoned to niggers and kikes but 300 mil to overworked slaves is too much

>Finland to enforce nurses back to work against their consent

Nurses are the most useless, overpaid cunts in the world.

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maybe greenland nurses

looks from greenland or maybe a ruskie

i hate american nurse bitches. every one sucks. i guess wiping asses makes you miserable.

There was that one fucking cringe video advertising the vaxx

Nurses are women, even the male ones. Woman is universal.

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every billion invested in africa will be paid back to finland in double

euros are actual literal slaves.

the new law would make it so that even if you quit they can forcibly rehire you and refusing to cooperate results in fines. they preach about patient safety while making this kind of draconian shit.

There are laws in place in the US that allow a company to refuse their employees to quit when there’s a chance of harm to patients and I am sure that many employers make use of it to avoid paying a premium for temp workers

Male nurses (the large ones they use for throwing big patients around) are literally drowning in nussy.

Source: 6'3 male nurse

Stomach Pump on aisle 4!

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