Just finished ranting to my wife about the coming of the antichrist

Just finished ranting to my wife about the coming of the antichrist.
The end is neigh!

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I'm the antichrist AMA

Will you find me if I hide my family outside the city?


Wtf do I do about my son? I don't want him to get chipped and go to hell and me go to heaven. Wtf man.

What about your homosexual lover will you find him there too?

Well, tough luck. I'm evil bro

Like a horse?

>The end is neigh
Of your marriage?

I'm an ex fallen angel, the keyword "Angel." i'm just as disgusted by the pedo elites and the degeneracy, but they are just pawns in the game, i use them like puppets, and i will kill them like the used toys that they are. they only serve to further my agenda, once their usefulness is done, then they die to. You really think i Satan will server my glory with some shit head celebrities, where they take worship away from me? think again

Nigh the end is nigh... Near
But seriously the end is near!

Your autocorrect is making you look like a doof there "satan"

>Just finished ranting to my wife about the coming of the antichrist.
>The end is neigh!
Is he offering health care?

He'll offer anything and everything. Ubi, peace on earth, sustainable growth, healthcare, dental care, free education, the works... To the world.
Do not be deceived!

knock it off

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

How does it feel knowing your going to burn in torment for all of eternity? That after 1,000,000,000,000,000 years you'll still only be in the first moment of hell.

Lucifer is a useless incel just as trapped as any other pleb

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Show Titties?

No hell only burn in hell for a thousand years. In God years that's a day. I don't know if the antichrist goes by God years.

>He'll offer anything and everything. Ubi, peace on earth, sustainable growth, healthcare, dental care, free education, the works... To the world.
As long as he come through, he's my kind of guy!
We haven't even heard from God in 2000 years.

Nigh. That wasn't an accident. Mods need to take down more false-flagging OPs.

If the Devil came to Earth, and started working miracles, wouldn't he be the same as Jesus?

No he'd be the antichrist.
The antichrist reign will last less than 4 years, Jesus reign will last a thousand.

kekeziel the angel guardian of anons here. anti christ will be raped by niggers if we get digits