I'm putting together a team

i'm putting together a team...

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look at this dude

do they want to look modern without tie or whats the deal that nobody has one. nobody. like these 'newschool' faggots over here with suit but no tie. wear fukn suit with tie or casual. i knw 4 mfers in this pic btw

damn he looks so old now

They look more friendly together than the puppets in the G7

Lets everybody take the ties off for this one
Trust me it will be great XD

>wear suit with tie
Tie is a sign of submissiveness, it's blocking your vocal cords , voice and other things that you may not understand (throat chakra, laugh all you want).
You will never be a free man wearing a tie.

the new axis of evil?

The new axis of evil has already been created , it's NATO ZIO nazis.
Those are forces of Good.

yes i wouldnt disagree but wouldnt trust them either. not one step. whats up with the tie is what i am interested in. any idea?


Shithole leaders


Who's the Brezhnev looking dude on the left?

Wasn't Xi supposed to be there too?

Not today USA, central Americans are going to invade right through your wall when the USA economy collapses


Looks like the prez of Turkmenistan.

This. Unironically


turkey is not a force of good
they are occupying Constantinople

The Golden horde.
That should be the alliance name.

das rite my nigger

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Ties are out

the only bad thing about wearing a tie is that you can be choked with it, other than that you're wrong